Friday, April 12, 2013


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Fretted much of the night ... whether we should spend a second day at the SHELDON'S hotel or attempt walking the increasingly difficult hills to the town of CHARLOTTE COURT HOUSE, some 10 miles west on Highway 40.

SHELDON's Restaurant / Motel.

Please say HELLO to this super gentleman...who joined me for breakfast at Sheldon's.  We visited for a full two hours...until 11:30 am...before he convinced me that the hills to CHARLOTTE CH were not really so difficult.

So, SAM and ME purchased more drinking water, packed up, checked out and set off for CHARLOTTE CH. on an increasingly cloudy day.

Highway 40 did not offer any additional berm for walking, so it was again walk and roll in the traffic lane.  Truck traffic lessened in the hills, but upon their approach, I still had to move SAM fully off the roadway, even coming to a complete stop to demonstrate to the drivers that it was safe for them to proceed...all too often, vehicle drivers came to a complete STOP...even though they had more than enough room to pass by safely.

Please say HELLO to REX...a rather intelligent friendly dog who knew the purpose of a wading pool.

Upon arriving in CHARLOTTE CH, walked to the local Bed and one home, so sat inside the enclosed porch until the neighbor lady came over, lead me back to her house, put out ice water and rice, as Claudia said, express her Southern Hospitality.

The BandB folks returned..."...just in time for our customary 4 BEER 30"; (it was approaching 4:30 in the afternoon.  Followed Claudia back to where SAM was parked, introduced to the home owners, and was shocked to learn a room was $ question of discount, as..."every penny counts". 

Thanked them all and walked SAM back to the EXXON station to search for further options for spending the night.  Met MIKE, a local businessman in a somewhat clean coverall, who suggested I call his Cousin, the Sheriff.  Taking out his cell phone, making his call, chatting a minute or two, handed me the phone.  Cousin Sheriff, after some chatting with me, invited us to stay the night camped behind the Jail House wall.

Walked SAM the 1/2 mile to the jail house, and was told that the Weight Room had been made, SAM and ME have spend a restful night...complete with shower and air conditioned dry room.

CHARLOTTE COURT HOUSE (the actual town name), is an historic place.

The Court House...

Click click to enlarge the above photograph of details about the Union Army raid on CHARLOTTE CH.

Court House Monument.

Town Water Tower.

CHARLOTTE CH is built around a hill-top, replete with many Civil War vintage buildings.  CHH has one Department Store, a few auto shops, Library, numerous County Government Offices, and a tiny "Village Drive-In", where breakfast, lunch, and dinner is available "eat in...or take out".

Please say HELLO to (l.) KD and SHELBY, my dinner hostesses.  Took my time enjoying my excellent pulled pork BBQ sandwich and fries.  Shelby saw to it that my Iced Tea glass was constantly full...hesitating each time she set down another full one, so we could chat some more.

Breakfast is served at 8:00 am in the morning.  Since our next town, BROOKNEAL,   is only 19 miles away, I accepted KD and Shelby's invitation to breakfast.

VERIZON signal is only one bar, making it SLOW going to complete this blog update.  Tried three times during the night, only to give up 'til later.  Is now 6:30 am.  Been at this keyboard since 4:30am, and am finally nearing completion.

As I type, the roof is being pounded by heavy rain.  Peeked out the door to a torrential downpour. 

Maybe we walk...maybe we delay a bit..

We shall see.

In any event, this old body is getting stronger - will take another two weeks to reach full potential -, so even with the hills, the going is getting easier.  Huffing and puffing SAM up the hills, easily cover 100 yards before stopping to catch my breath, take a sip of Ice Water (yes, have finally figured out how to carry cubed ice in insulated bag which lasts up to 4 to become critical as we cross the open ranges of North Dakota and Montana in a few weeks).

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Current weather over/around CHARLOTTE COURT HOUSE calls for Intense Thunder (is overhead just now!), heavy rain, and potential TORNADO activity through this afternoon. 

Looks as though I may spend a second night in CHH.

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