Wednesday, May 1, 2013


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Today has become a super critical that we have discovered a quick and easy way to obtain blood lab no cost.

This morning, I set off at 7:00 am (31 F. Cold), walked over 20 miles on the Y Road route... counterclockwise ...which included many long steep hills.  I pushed as hard as possible, including up the hills, completing my walk at 12:15 pm (noon).

I immediately - within 5 minutes of the finish - checked in to the local Blood Bank, completing the paperwork and interview for donating blood...knowing that a blood test would be administered before being accepted to donate.

I was correct! 

My Hemoglobin count was - taken in less than 2 minutes - 13.6...near to perfect as it can get - according to the interviewing lab technician.  Therefore, my ANEMIA has been overcome...without the assistance or guidance of any medical "experts".  I have learned also that OXYGEN is equally important as nutrients to avoid anemia.

During my "weak period" walking two weeks ago, my lungs were constantly flooded with sinus drainage, not allowing for deep breaths...i.e., lack of oxygen.  At the same time, intestinal obstruction(s) blocked nutrients from entering red blood cells from the intestinal tract.

Combination of lack of oxygen and nutrients, resulted in lowering hemoglobin count to under 10.  Normal acceptable levels - for donating blood - is between 12.6 and 18. 
Understanding a bit more of how this stuff works, enables me to take precautionary measures while walking to preclude future anemia.

I am obtaining a "refill" of my heart medication...after which, I plan to fly back to Roanoke, Virginia...fetch SAM...and continue our walk to the Peace Arch, Blaine, Washington.

Since I walked the route in reverse, some new photographs presented themselves...

Britton Road looking South toward Whatcom Lake.

Britton Road - North Shore intersection.

A very wide load.

North Shore Road.

...and again

...and again

ALDER trees...the staple "firewood" in the Pacific Northwest.

Y Road...

...and again

A moss-covered apple tree...yet to bloom.

A Hot get an early start for this year's veggies.

ALPACA...quite a number of Alpaca Ranches in the Pacific Northwest.

Better Days have been enjoyed...

Mount Baker Highway...about 6 miles distant from I-5 and my apartment.

This evening, I will join the local walking group for a moderate walk through the Whatcom Falls Loop.

Thank goodness I no longer must seek out a medical solution for so pleased to get SAM and ME back on the road.


  1. Bruce,

    glad to see every thing worked out with your self healing, now get your
    plane ticket and get your butt back and get Sam and come back home before it gets to hot to travel...


  2. HEMOGLOBIN Normal range 14.0 - 17.5

    A low Hmg count is a SYMPTOM, not an ailment. Many things cause a low Hemo count. As a 20 year leukemia sufferer, I'd suggest that you get a proper Med Exam. Hemo CARRIES oxygen, Not the lack of it causing the low Hemo. This could be a serious illnes, Bruce. Don't take CrackPot medical advice as being to your benefit. Poor diet and the Over use of painkiller drugs could be a cause as well as some very serious issues. You will not get better if you persist in ignoring it. A simple GOOGLE about Low Hemo count will inform you !!
    Ralph Ahseln

  3. good to see you are still with me after all these years...and thank you for your comments re hemoglobin. Yes, I will follow up as you suggest. Trust you are well. For the record folks: Ralph took the photograph of SAM & ME. Bruce
