Wednesday, May 15, 2013


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Again, I must apologize for not completing my blog update.

From 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, SAM and ME walked the nearly 30 miles from Rainelle to the HAWK'S NEST STATE PARK... the process, climbing up and over the first two mountains of 8% steepness;  SAM performed flawlessly...ME...well, after a few hundreds of feet of practice, settled on a rhythmic process, pushing SAM to the top and slowly down the back side without over exertion or injury.

Met lots of folks...much to share...but upon arriving at this fabulous world renowned vacation spot, I have been continuously interviewed...always very positive...but not allowing a moment to work on the past three days of blogs.

I have at least 250 photographs to glean daily story lines...and put in at least 3 hours computer time for each day.

Is now 8:30 pm...just getting dark as I look out my room window onto one of the most majestic views ever...yes, I have pics...

Steve, the restaurant Manager has offered to put me up a second night if I agree to stay over tomorrow...during which I will take all the time necessary to wring out blogs for the past awesome days walking over the breathtaking mountains of West Virginia.

I quickly took Steve up on his offer...after all, people the world over go to great lengths to visit the HAWK'S NEST...and here I am enjoying many people's dreams...all for the investment to walk a few hundred miles to do so ... even my baked encrusted Trout dinner was picked up by others.

Tomorrow will be devoted to creating and publishing the missing day's blogs...

Upon leaving the HAWK'S NEST, SAM and ME have one more 8% mountain to cross before arriving in the large city of CHARLESTON, West Virginia...where more folks await our arrival.

I have come to understand that this walk of ours has grown bigger than SAM and ME.  It has become a challenge to keep on...and with such fantastic places and people awaiting just over the next hill...or around the next bend in the could we even consider anything else.

So, until tomorrow... is now time to listen to my (both) pillows.


  1. I Dallas lovejoy has told hurricane seinors about your progress they are looking forward to seeing you

  2. Great post, Bruce! Sounds delightful and inspired.

  3. Hey Bruce, your publisher acquaintance would be excited to see a table top pictorial of your treks along with some commentary. :0) -Donna
