Sunday, June 2, 2013


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Hope I can keep this update on a positive note.  After arriving in WILLSHIRE, Ohio, was relagated to the City Park for the night.  Succeeded in posting our photos, but visitors took the available daylight before I could complete the narration.  In the process of puting the computer away for the night, I dropped it...hitting the concrete...apparenyly damaging my Mouse and portable, back to the dark ages to complete this update.

More important, however, were the squadrons of mosquitos...and no repellant. 
Slept perhaps one hour, ending with masses of welts...and angry as H___.

Also, my new Poncho is a bust...cannot understand such a porduct can find it's way onto the marketplace.

It is now 8:00 am, June 02 - Sunday.  The local Village restaurant opened at 7:30...and is PACKED...certainly an "EVENT" for this, the last Ohio village before crossing into the State of INDIANA

But for the wonderful folks of Ohio, I might pack up my bags and slink off into never never land.  Instead, I am downing some breakfast, will attempt to re-supply SAM, and head into AMISH Country - INDIANA...a number Amish families were see n last evening cruising around Willshire, Ohio in their one-horse carriages dressed in the manner of Pilgrims stepping ashore at Plymouth Rock 250 years ago.

State Road 33, as SAM and ME walk & Roll out oh AT MARYS...destination:  WILLSHIRE, Ohio, some 27 miles distant.

Please say HELLO to CHRIS...who stopped alongside the roadway to find what SAM and ME were about.  After 20 minutes, Chris handed me his Business Card, inviting me to  visit nrxt time through CINCINNATE, Ohio...a $20  bill wrapped around his card.  Thank you, again, Chris.

A mini-farm.

Arriving at the village of Rockford, Ohio...

Beautiful homes continue.

Grain Elevator....receives grains from surrounding ranches...stores the grain until a Buyer comes along...and effects shipmeny to the Customer's destination...often, a CO-OP (Coopeative) is organized comprising many local ranchers...lowers costs and improves bargaining positions  = higher profits for everyone.

Please say HELLO to JAP and LISA..local Ohio motorcyclists..JAP says he received his "nickname" whe n he insisted on riding a Japanese motorcycle.

SAM giving thanks for another safe arrival...this one in WILLSHIRE, Ohio.

Downtown WILLSHIRE, Ohio.

Gary's Retail Beer Hall (Sales)...turned WILLSHIRE from a "DRY" town   into a "wet" one.

Please say HELLO to LISA...who took me under her wing...just when it looked like SAM and ME might not find a place to stay the walking to the Village Mayor,
home asking permission to "camp" in the Village Park.

Water Tower

City Park Gazebo

Please say HELLO yo BEKKAH...

Bekkah joined SAM and ME for nearly two hours...bringing two bottles of welcome Ice Water...and just chatting 'til it was dark...leaving me to the hords of mosquitos

Is now 11:00 am...sitting in the Village Restaurant...must pack SAM back up and find our way into INDIANA.


  1. Bruce, It was an absolute pleasure to meet you. I admire your courage. Safe travels and God Bless. Your friend, Chris.

  2. this is a good man so please be kind to him if you see him
