Friday, June 7, 2013


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Today has been the most perfect day for sunrise, a misty fog lay from horizon to horizon, holding the Sun at bay.  It was not until nearly 4:00 pm that Ole SOL finally dissipated the haze and started warming up the ground...made for comfy walking...very quick...not much perspiration.

Again wore the new NIKE AIR shoes...a mistake as a sore spot arose on the Right Big permanent damage...just a bit sore.

Again today, I stopped to chat with folks along the way...making the 38-mile trek a bit "iffy" as it would be nearly dark by the time we arrived in the town of KENTLAND, Indiana.  So, upon our arrival at the intersection of I-65 and US 24 - also the small town of REMINGTON, Indiana, we called it quits for the day...after only 22 miles.

We are taking advantage of our early day:  now 6:30 pm, and our blog update is nearly complete (only needs the narrative...a 1-hour effort).  This early completion will allow for a soaking hot bath and an early-to-bed night. 

Should get a restful sleep, so plan to rise before Sunrise and be on the road by 6:00 am...this will allow SAM and ME to reach the State of Illinois, some 20 miles distant, by tomorrow evening.

SAM and ME are, however, coming to realize a most serious problem.  Because of the increased contacts / chats, we are falling behind in my months-ago-plan for this walk.  As the result, our $$ reserves are quickly being depleated.  We will be OK until we reach DE KALB, Illinois (where sister Carol is waiting in the Nursing Home).  Beyond that, we may have to make some major change(s); i.e., cut back severely on our out most of the time instead of checking into motels - where the electricity for the blog is located - and walk longer days. 

No need to panic just yet, but my Social Security $$ will not take us much further.

The heavy early morning mist blocked out the Sun, making it seem much darker.

This business was thriving when I walked past last is closed & for sale.

Have just noticed that SR 124 has changed into US us a better roadway.

The ungainly machine coming down US 24 is a SPRAYING machine.  Folded along it's sides are two long booms...that when folded out, reach something like 50 feet on each side.  Hoses and Spray nozzles line the outstreched arms, through which fertilizer and chemicals are sprayed on the growing crops.  The high aspect of the machine allows it to travel down the corn rows...keep clear ABOVE the growing corn.

Not a great photograph, but that field is of corn plants about 10 inches tall.

Please say HELLO to JUSTIN.  Justin and his family / friends were customers in the restaurant in the village of REYNOLDS, Indiana.  It was 6:00 am when I had a quick Continental Breakfast (a snack, really), so I stopped for a hearty meal.  Justin offered to pick up my breakfast tab...

Thank you, Justin...I hope your day has been a good one.

This roadside sign is found at the beginning of DOT (Department Of Transportation) WORK ZONEs. 

Sheep are not nearly as friendly as Cows and Horses.

A CO - OP of sorts...where rancher's harvested grains are brought to a central loction directly from the fields...reducing handling costs and resulting in quick $$ the buyers need not go to each individual ranch to purchase grains.  The CO-OP offers a centralized storage / sales location...and makes for much greater efficiency when shipping grain out of the region .


US 24 as it passes through WOLCOTT.

Click click to enlarge.

The WOLCOTT home.

Please say HELLO to LOU BLANCHETTE.  Lou stopped her car, got out and walked to chat to SAM and ME...(now only a few hours since our chat, and Lou has already posted comments on our blog).

Lou is apparently pleased at finding me, as her 86 year old father is apparently in need of a bit of a lift...i.e., encouragement.

An unusual sight...a roadside fire...tended by a rake weilding lady...

Turns out she is carefully raking last year corn stalks into neat rows...and burning them using a hand-held torch.

Please say HELLO to "BERTA"  (Roberta).

A seldom discovered opportunity to chat with local ranchers, Berta and I discussed a number of local subjects, including local WIND MACHINES, Sweet Corn (grown only in private garden patches), as the fields are providing "commercial corn".

The other - in addition to corn - major crop is SOY BEAN, which plants are just showing their heads above ground at the moment.

Near by, a number of trucks loaded with massive WIND MACHINE Propellers awaiting unloading at nearby work sites.

The REMINGTON, Indiana Water Tower...located at the intersection of US 24 and I-65.  Interstate 65 is the most direct North-South route between INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana and CHICAGO, Illinois.

Had I elected to walk US 30 a week or so ago, SAM and ME would already be in the suburbs of CHICAGO.  Chose, instead to skirt around the heavy CHICAGO traffic, adding nearly 100 miles or so...and nearly one  extra week to reach DE KALB, Illinois.

Tomorrow, we should be in Illinois.  We will continue West on US 24 until we reach Illinois Highway 47, which we can follow North to DE KALB.  Illinois roadways seldom cut across "sections", but rather follow North-South or East-West directions.
There are many opportunities to take alternate roadways after leaving Indiana...

We shall see how it goes...and choose our routes as they become better understood...i.e., road conditions, traffic intensity, places to "overnight", etc.

Because of the $$ concern, it now becomes a race to move on quickly...

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