Tuesday, June 11, 2013



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Since Penny gifted us her Cold Ice Storage Bag, we have tried to take a room with a freezer unit so we can freeze the ice bags...then, if successful, stop in at MC DONALDS (or SUBWAY), to purchase two small sandwiches which we carry inside Penny's Bag...towns are becoming further apart which do not guarantee we will find "lunch" along the way...also, there is often no place to eat in the evening...or no time left after the day's interviews, to find something for dinner...so, the two sandwiches are our emergency food supply for one day...

Walking and Rolling out of WATSEKA, Illinois, was no exception...MC DONALDS EGG MCMUFFIN safely tucked away in our new ice bag.

One of WATSEKA's Water Towers, as we walked West on US 24.

Newly sprouted Corn Field.

Please look carefully to the right side of the above photograph to see the old-style Wind Mill...spinning away into today's stiff breeze, pumping water from the water well...mostly these days, to provide water for livestock (cows, horses, chickens, etc.)

Winter Wheat...planted last Fall before the Winter Freeze...to be harvested in a few days.

CRESCENT CITY...a small village of 650 residents.



CRESCENT CITY Water Tower.  Most of these small villages have no businesses for tourists...sometimes, though, there is a Convenience Store attached to the local Gas Station. 

SAM and ME try to stop at a Convenience Store for a "cold" drink.  Water is very important for walking long distances...there is, however, nothing quite as pleasant as downing a "cold" drink...warm drinking water simply does no quench thirst as does cold water.

One can see the water current flowing in the bottom of this small ditch.  The surrounding farmlands are nearly flat.  Even so, many small ditches have been dug to keep crop fields well drained.  Heavy rains often collect in the fields, which quickly drown the crops if not quickly removed.

A number of fields are being "back-filled" with top soil to eliminate the "low spots" where rain water collects.

Please say HELLO to JERRY CHAMPAGNE.  Jerry stopped his truck next to SAM while we walked US 24...after the normal greetings and questions / answers about our walk and Jerry's local activities, Jerry offered me a Iroquois Indian  TOMAHAWK neckless, which consists of three bronze castings...the Tomahawk, and two Eagle Feathers...for luck, says Jerry...as he says goodbye...most probably never shall we meet again...

As so often happens with SAM and ME, folks stop along the roadway(s) to chat, offer us cold water, or perhaps a $$ contribution to help us along our way.

A common piece of farm equipment found on Illinois farm roads...this is a Disc / Planter machine...being moved to a new field. 

Farm Equipment uses the same roadways as cars and trucks...which are often lined up for some distance behind the slower moving equipment.

SAM on the bicycle lane of US 24.

Illinois posts the above HISTORICL MARKER AHEAD signs well ahead of such Historical Information Signs.  This gives motorists time to decide - or not - to stop to read the actual Historical Marker.

Please say HELLO to CHRISTINA GILMORE...Christina ran from her farm house along US 24, carrying bottles of ice water and ice tea..."..here, I saw you coming and know you would like something cold to drink..."...as Christina turns back to her house and RUNS up the flight of steps..."...wait a sec...I have something else for you"...

Down again runs Christina, carrying a large plastic bag, buklging with "stuff" 

May I take your picture..."..Oh please no...I have my pajama bottoms on...(No problem, says I...will only photograph you waist up)...well...OK, says smiling Christina.  Picture taken, off she runs without a word...except thank-you(s) from me as she climbs the front steps, disappears through the door...not looking back.

Was a bit sad we had only brief seconds to chat...but her plastic bag was filled with cookies, trail bars, etc...which I will be snacking on for the next few days.

Please say HELLO to LEE GRAY...manager of the local  GILMAN Convenience Store.

GILMAN Main Street.

Veterans Memorial.

GILMAN Grain Elevator...called "elevator" because the grain is lifted from 18-Wheelers delivery trucks up "elevators" to be dropped into the top of the large storage silos.

These small buildings are popular throughout the United States...particularly so here in the Mid-West, where they are manufactured by the AMISH Communities.

...more Mailbox Art.

A bit premature is this photograph...main access roadway from US 24 to the small village of PIPER CITY, Illinois, our destination for the day - which we have reached after walking and rolling nearly 10 hours.

We originally were directed to the Town Gabezo to lay out our sleeping bag for the night.  This was quickly over-ruled by a number of towns-folk who got together at the local gas station, gathering up cold drunks and snacks...and arranging for SAM and ME to spend the night in the home of NICK...the unofficial hotel for transients and temporarily "homeless" locals.

Arriving at Nick's home, was surprised that prior phone calls around town resulted in an impromptu (Nick says a normal event in PIPER CITY) BBQ Steak Dinner with 10- or so neighbors joining in.

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