Monday, June 17, 2013


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A beautiful Summer day in DE KALB...

I have been asked..."Who is Rita"...Rita is the Sister to Carol's room mate, Ruth.  Since the Nursing Home has no place for me to stay, Rita has offered to take SAM and ME in while we visit...and until my blisters are healed.  Rita has a a modern 4-bedroom home 1.8 miles from the Nursing Home...and is the perfect hostess...i.e., says Rita:...

..."You know where everything is...just help are over 2 years old and I do not wait on anyone over 2...", I brought in some groceries to share.  I have my own bedroom and bathroom...SAM has taken over the garage while Rita's car sits in the driveway.  Rita and I spend a few minutes in the morning over a quick bite...then I walk to the Nursing Home, returning after evening dinner...after which Rita and I watch a bit of TV, I do this blog, and hit the hay by 9:00 pm.

Not only does Rita's sister, Ruth, live in the Nursing Home...battling M.S.; but, the Mother of Rita and Ruth also lives in the same Nursing Home.  I join Carol, Mother, and Daughter for lunch and dinner...then walk back to Rita's.

I anticipate at least two more days recovery before attempting to resume walking.

This river runs through DE KALB. 

Please say HELLO to 2013 brood of 11 ducklings hatched within the garden of the Nursing Home.  Mama Duck has returned the past three years to raise her ducklings under the constant eyes of over 100 "residents"..."We are not patients, says Carol...we are "residents"...".

Among the Nursing Home Staff are a number of part-time employees. 

Please say HELLO to of the part time employees, who yesterday gave a hands-on lecture to "residents" in the making of FUDGE.

IAN's Fudge group.

Sister Carol has another room mate...the Nursing Home resident dog.

Please say HELLO to BELL.  Bell, about 2.5 years old female, has adopted Carol as her third room mate...sleeping each night on Carol's bed.  During the day, Bell makes at least two rounds of the Home, visiting each "resident" to see how they are doing. 

Bell has the run of the entire Home...including her own "doggie door" to go in and out at any time...restricted, however, to the interior courtyards.  Bell is not particularly fond of men, but since I have been visiting 4 times now, she and I have become good friends.

Please say HELLO to KAY.  Kay is a Registered Nurse on the Home staff.  Among other many tasks, Kay leads "residents" in a group water-balloon throwing contest...

...Kay being the TARGET.  Anyone / Everyone has the privilege of tossing water-filled balloons at Kay...with the intended purpose of getting her wet. 

During today's target practice, Kay taunted the residents...then fed them IAN's FUDGE made yesterday...then served all 20 residents who tossed balloons at her...served them Ice Water.

Only one balloon hit Kay...most residents in wheel chairs with very limited range of motion...playing "catch" with Kay was the most residents could manage.  I have a video of Kay and her attackers in action, but do not know how to load it into the new GOOGLE software...sorry.

Nurse KAY.

Carol says Kay's balloon toss is about the most excitement residents get involved in...

MOM...The Mother of Rita and Ruthie. 

Please say HELLO to (twin Sister and Brother) TERRI and TIMOTHY LEHAN...owners of the local LEHAN PHARMACY.

I approached Terri and Tim about my blisters.  Tim suggested I consider the blister treatment used by Sports Professionals...a liquid treatment which must be ordered in...but which is totally effective.  Tomorrow I will pick up Tim's medication and take a couple days to give it a try.

Terri suggested dinner, but I pleaded I had already committed din din to my Nursing Home Ladies...and asked for a rain check...I sure hope it rains soon.


  1. Good to see you made to your sister
    Dory about the blisters
    Dallas of wv

  2. Glad to see Carols picture @ you are having good visit. .Get healed fast. B @ E

  3. Glad u seeing Carol, Get well fast.B @ E
