Wednesday, July 17, 2013


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Am having troubles with my new BROOKS ADDICTION WALKERS.  Last time I wore this pair of shoes, I received the only blisters in 3.5 years walking...well, guess what: 

Wore the new BROOKS again today...yes, blisters started developing after only 8 hours walking in 90+ degree temperatures and high humidity.

If it were not for John and Charly giving SAM and ME a ride the remaining 4 miles into the town of JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA, I would now have full blown blisters...again !

Tomorrow I must find a J.C. PENNY store, from whom I purchased the NIKE AIR shoes.  Not of the finest materials, the NIKE shoes are comfy and do not produce blisters.  My previous NIKE shoes are fully worn out in the heel, putting side stresses on my feet...and in turn, on my legs, hip, and back. 

Must not wear the BROOKS any more!...Must turn to NIKE for the time being.

Have discovered that the only motel between JAMESTOWN and BISMARK, NORTH DAKOTA, has burned down.  That means there is NO motel for more than 100 miles...miles I must walk to get SAM's tire spokes replaced.

If no one shows up to offer a place for SAM and me to overnight a couple times, we will be forced to set up our tent for the first time.

The last time we will see the SHEYENNE RIVER on this trip.

...and there it is...muddy, but said to be good fishing for WALLEYE...a good eating fish which has been my normal fish selection in recent tired of CATFISH.

My camera is beginning to act up...

Not being a photographer, I know not what to do about it.  Perhaps I will take it to a camera shop for a quick lesson in how to make adjustments.

Above is I-94, which SAM and ME plan to walk and roll across North Dakota...and well into Montana, before striking out for Highway US 2.

Today was a first ! 

I took a break in the middle of the day, by stopping in the shadow (and coolness) of the above overpass...deploying for the first time, my folding chair...taking out one of my two beef sandwiches and gifted "June Berries"...adding an ice-cold bottle of water...

...and had myself a picnic.

Felt much better, as the heat and humidity was getting at me...then too, both feet were beginning to develop blisters, demanding a rest !

We will pass by at least one more - and probably two more - Continental Divides.  We must climb to and beyond 7,000 feet crossing the ROCKY MOUNTAINS, down the center of which runs the major Continental Divide.


Marc passed SAM and ME a number of times today...tooting his air horn each time.

Finally, Marc stopped to find out what SAM and ME were about. 

Talking trucks and Social Security, Marc gifted me two bottles of ice water...and slipped me a $ make our walk a bit more comfy...

Thank you, Marc...and happy trails.

North Dakota has many lakes such as the one pictured above.

Please say HELLO to JOHN STEINER - Photographer, and CHARLY HALEY - Reporter, for the JAMESTOWN SUN Newspaper.

John and Charly drove out I-94 to track down SAM and ME.  I suggested - since I was now in severe pain from the developing blisters - that we load SAM into John's Pickup Truck, drive the final 4 or so miles into JAMESTOWN, conducting their interview as we drove.

Turns out my motel for the night was at the I-94 exit, so we stopped at my motel...then retired to a PIZZA BUFFET Restaurant, where we ate and continued the interview for the next hour or so.

This blog is kinda short...nice having Marc, John, and Charly.

There is not much happening walking the Interstate Highway.  even so, we MUST reach BISMARK, some 100 miles distant, to have SAM's spokes replaced.

If anyone reading these words hasa suggestion as to where SAM and ME might find a place to stay the three coming nights between JAMESTOWN and BISMARK, I would certainly be pleased to hear from you (cell:  390-319-9707).


  1. Yes, you were told correctly. The only motel, the Lone Steer Motel in Steele ND burned to the ground like a year ago. I stayed at that motel when I worked in Steele several years ago. You might still see the sign, advertising the motel, if it has not been taken down.

    As you got closer to Jamestown, you probably saw a huge Buffalo, off on the right. You can see it for miles. I drove up to it, and it is a huge statue of a buffalo.

    Take care of those feet, so your journey is easier. Good luck getting Sam fixed.

    Happy Trails To You, 'Til we meet again. That was Roy Rogers' theme song.

    I do not recall seeing any other motel on the way to Bismarck, other than the Lone Steer Motel in Steele that is now gone. Keep asking those good North Dakota folks, as you walk and roll.

  2. I need walking shoes
    I guess I will try nike
    Dallas of wv

  3. A google map search found North Country Lodge in Medina ND, approx 30 miles from Jamestown. (701)486-3194. Google indicates it's a place to stay.

  4. Bruce,

    I just found out there is a motel in Steele, the OK Motel. Seems like that is 40 miles west from Jamestown.

  5. How about area code 360? (not 390, unless you are actually in Italy)

