Saturday, July 20, 2013


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I have been waiting for over one hour for the first photograph to upload...VERIZON appears to have three bars, but something is slowing the system, I will proceed with this update SENSA photographs (will load them tomorrow when we are in the city of BISMARK, NORTH DAKOTA.

Walking the plains of North Carolina, one quickly learns that this is indeed near the ends of the Earth.  Hardly even a home is seen...only vast miles of planted fields...void of any life except corn and soy beans.  To live out here, one must truly be content with the nearest neighbor must be at least 10 miles in all directions.

The small towns are also a learning experience.  Most have a few nicely maintained homes and gardens...although very few in number.  The primary business is the BAR AND GRILL (i.e., Beer Hall which serves hamburgers and other basis fare...although, often of very good quality.

The folks themselves are intensively proud of their community...are quick to help visitors, and are at all times - in my presence - impeccably dressed, albeit with farm working garments...including the famous 10-gallon hat.

Most country roads are paved with gravel...dusty by all means when used by passing vehicles.  Often times, the main roadways are used by huge farm tractors pulling even larger planting or harvesting equipment.  Taking up to two lanes to move such machines, traffic if patient to the extreme...

Today, SAM and ME walked approximately 20 miles on Interstate 94 (I-94).  We were very surprised to one vehicle which stopped to visit...turned out to be two brothers...and their 96 year old MOTHER...and one wife:


all arriving after tracking down SAM and ME at the request of "Brother"

DON KNIGHT...of UKIAH, CALIFORNIA.  Some 2.5 years ago, while walking through UKIAH, Don offered to HOT STAMP on my reflective safety jacket, the words:


Brother Bruce says Don has followed our blog ever since that day, keeping track of what SAM and ME are doing...and where we are doing it...

so, our visit today on the lonely stretch of I-94, some 40 miles East of BISMARK.

Thank you, LOUISE and Bruce...for your time to chat with me...and for your valued $$ donation.

My only regret about your visit is that I took a photograph only of MOM, Louise.  We were all so busy setting up poses and exchanging cameras, that MY camera was left out of the mix...I have not a single photograph...except for Louisa...and grateful for that !

Meeting on another lonely stretch of I-94, were RICK and THOMAS...both of MONTANA.  Starting at the town of DEER HARBOR, OREGON, these intrepid fellows are in the midst of bicycling - on RECUMBENT bicycles...bikes where the rider is nearly lying down while pedaling...

The goal for Rick and Thomas is BAR HARBOR, MAINE.  I asked them to enjoy a lobster or two for me when they arrive.

SAM and ME left STEELE, NORTH DAKOTA at 8:00 am this morning.  We arrived in the town of STERLING, NORTH DAKOTA at 5:00 pm...taking out time to chat with the KNIGHTS and Rick and well as our own 30 minute rest period to eat a sandwich - kept on ice - and some drink.

Our motel room was I had previously reserved it early this the Sterling TOPS MOTEL (cost $49.00)

Since there was no way SAM and ME would reach the BROKEN SPOKE Bicycle Shop in BISMARK, NORTH DAKOTA (still 20 miles distant)...and since tomorrow is Sunday, I have been resigned to lose tomorrow as a day of rest...hoping to have SAM's broken spokes replaced on Monday.  So, this afternoon, I telephoned the BROKEN SPOKE, speaking with Owner TYLER. 

Explaining our problem, Tyler immediately offered to come to the shop tomorrow to repair SAM's spokes.  I immediately accepted.  This means, of course, that SAM and ME must now rush at our greatest pace ever those 20 miles.  Tyler is expecting us between 1 and 2:00 pm.  Tyler is also checking local motel availability, which we will work out tomorrow.

...WHAT A GUY !...

Why, I don't know...but every single person SAM and ME have met has turned every stone...moved every mountain...smiling in the doing of help us achieve our goal of walking America.  Humbling...needless to say;  really, though, it is so improbable that so many are turning out for so few - just SAM and ME  - I must say again:

...Americans in every corner of this great land are each other and to themselves, there is no question that our country is in good hands.

In other sectors, one mush simply shake one's head...and make certain our next VOTE counts.


  1. Bruse,

    What you just talked about, is exactly what I experienced when I spent those 3 weeks in North Dakota, long ago. Everyone is so hospitable, friendly, and so easy going. Their philosophy is, "If the work does not get done today, there is always another day tomorrow." They think nothing about driving 50 miles just to visit their neighbors.

    That is sure different than some places, where folks will not even take the time to smile, or wave as I go biking with the kids. Life is much too short, not to be friendly. I guess I was raised that way, on a farm, where everyone knows everyone else, and no one has to lock their doors at night. Have a safe trip to Bismarck.

    If you found North Dakota desolate, just wait until you get into wide open Montana. Even the jack rabbits carry their lunch out there. :)

  2. I'm so happy to hear you have had good travels this last couple of days and have found places to stay indoors with air conditioning as I sit here during the day and wonder if you are ok. Happy to get the telephone calls frequently to let me know you are ok and have made it to your next destination safe and sound.
