Friday, August 2, 2013


Friday evening in Bellingham...with the following update:

The mini computer has been replaced with this hand held Smart phone DROID.  All systems of the laptop have been loaded and tested...for ME, a new world.

In the process, am saving $80.00 per month from VERIZON.

Received a cardboard box of old mail collected since last May...ALL bills from medical costs not covered by MEDICARR...and more cancellations of programs, such as AARP & AAA.  OH, fun fun...

Have reserved a seat on GREYHOUND to return to DICKINSON, ND on Monday.  Will resume the walk of SAM & ME Tuesday.

No, am not fully healed...but will be OK.

This time, we CAMP...setting up the tent, etc...unless kind souls help us along.

Should return to Bellingham by September15.

Amconsidering NOT to renew the lease...becoming voluntarilly HOMLESS.

We shall see.


  1. I donot have a answer for you
    You or on your own
    Life sound good for you
    I know you will make the right desion
    Dallas of wv
    I love following you
    My wife died on. 06 25 2013
    I am now along going to seniors for lunch

  2. Bruce,
    You are one courageous guy. I do not know of anyone else who would go back to the walk so soon.

    Yesterday, I visited with a nurse, and I asked her if she knew about the Lymphatic System. Her comment was, " Absolutely, that is the new method of healing".

    I told her about you, and your long, long walk.

    Have a great walk, starting again next week.

  3. I hope all goes ok
    Good luck
    I am glad you got the smart phone going
