Wednesday, August 7, 2013

POST 1176; AUGUST 07, 2013; DICKINSON, N.D.


Bus arrived at midnight...luckily, at the 24/7 bus terminal restaurant, where I sit until STEFFEN BIKE opens...SAM is stored at STeffans.

Been vasselating  between walking US 2... or the freeways.  After bussing the freeways, am leaning toward US 2.

Freeway overpasses are not as frequent as I envisioned...and most importantly, many steep miles long hills are necessary to cross.  Winds on the freeway are fierce...more Dothan on US 2.

Us 2 is shorter by 50 miles...and has only one significant hill...the GLACIER NATIONAL PARK portion of US. 2.

Major concern now is possibility of winter storms catching SAM & ME .  US2 has more towns to seek shelter...the freeway overpasses do not have the same design as those in North Dakota...taking away the primary reason I was considering walking the freeways.

So, looks like back to our original route...US2.

It gets bitter COLD out on the high plains...thentoo, snakes like warmth at night...making our warm cozy tent inviting.

Will try to ffind experienced locals for advice.

Will try to add some photographs...difficult to understand this Smart phone..

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