Sunday, November 10, 2013


Believe it...once again we will do a short update. 

Walking:  In the past month, SAM and ME have completed 3 - 4 walks each week...each of 2 - 3 hours duration.  Left foot / leg still swells up a bit, but has no pain.

Medical:  Still experiencing difficulty breathing !  Seems to be associated with the long-standing intestinal problems I have experienced the past few years.  Unable to eliminate properly.  Have entered many ER (Emergency Room) in hospitals across the country including a recent 4-day stint IN the hospital, including X-ray and CT scan...all with NO determination of what is going on.  Swelling of adomen during constipation seems to press against the lungs, inhibiting proper breathing.  It is past time for a colonoscopy, however, with no insurance and because my primary doctor has retired, I must wait until my Veterans Administration medical is finalized - it has been initiated.

Whether or not we get a handle on the breathing / elimination problems, we are making arrangements to terminate our apartment lease on November 30 - three weeks hence.
Furniture etc will be placed in long term storage.  SAM & ME plan to become "homeless" at that time.  Our initial action will be to begin our next walk.

We are leaning heavily toward walking US 101 to Bakersfield, California; hanging a left destined for Columbia, North Carolina - to the home of Karen and Craig...thence up the East Coast, continuing across the top of  America, making a stop at Sister Carol in DeKalb, Illinois...then on to our starting point at the Peace Arch near Bellingham.

Such an effort will result in something like 8,000 miles, giving SAM & ME 27,000 miles in the recent 4 years. 

...and yes, I would love to have a hand to hold...see what you did, Tammy !!!

Re photographs:  Have re-activated our mini-computer.  When we shut it down upon placing our ANDROID into service, the imaging software was somehow deleted.  Must purchase a new camera, as our current Panasonic Camera software is no longer available.  When we set off, our $$ finances will become available so we can purchase the new camera. 

This route is + / - 8,000 miles.  This trek will also complete the unfinished 5th cross country walk.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Bruce, for finally letting us know of your status. I'm sorry for your troubles and I hope things work out in your favor soon.

    You posted earlier that you haven't blogged because you had nothing to say. You make everything interesting so I'm sure you have lots to share with us, however mundane it may seem to you. Hope you will.
