Monday, November 18, 2013


A week or so ago, SAM and ME joined the walking group from Seattle making a 8 mile walk around Lake Union.  At the time, we took a number of photographs, but since our computer software was not available, images could not be uploaded.

We have now purchased a new LUMIX Panasonic DMC-Z525 camera...the third such camera we have used on our 3 + year trek.  This, then is our first effort to share images of our walk around Lake Union, Seattle, Washington...

Looking South across Lake Union with Seattle Center in the distance; the Space Needle to the right at the base of Queen Anne Hill.  Seaplanes take off and land near the shore line adjacent to the Space Needle.

Lake Union offers numerous excellent water side parks, through which trails and local residential and business streets afford safe scenic lake access to walkers.

Please say HELLO to John and his two "retired" greyhounds.  This is the second pair (brother and sister) John has adopted to share their retired years together.

The above scene is from the Government Canal looking under the Aurora Bridge - Old Highway 99, which runs from Canada into South America.  Beyond the Aurora Bridge, from which not too many years ago, a city bus with passengers aboard, crashed through the guard rails, falling to the ground, lies Lake Union.

From the Seaplane Terminal, the Space Needle rises some 600 + feet.  An observation level tops off the Needle, with a revolving restaurant at the next lower level.  From the base of the Space Needle begins the Monorail which carries tourists to mid-town Seattle...about 7 blocks from the world famous Farmer's Market...home of the "flying Salmon".

Historic Note:  Back in 1968, while on a business trip to a work site of a new dam  being built across the Snake River, my employer Star Iron and Steel, Tacoma, Washington, leased a Piper 210 twin engine aircraft.  Returning to Boeing Field - where the famous B-17 of WWII were built - I, occupying the right seat, was given control of the aircraft by the pilot after taking off from the sandy beach on the mid-river island.  We flew the 300 + miles through thick clouds crossing over Cascade mountains very near Mount Rainier - tallest volcano in the lower 48 states, guided by air traffic control.  I had no difficulty flying the plane...until reaching Seattle.  The pilot insisted I descend through the clouds - under radio control - and land the plane.

Coming out of the clouds, after making two 90 degree left turns to reach final approach, the Space Needle Restaurant windows appeared a bit to the left and above our altitude.

Yes, I did land the aircraft, greasing her onto the runway without a murmur.

A month later, we - two employees and myself - once again leased the same aircraft to fly to the Snake River Dam.  We did not make it.  We were very fortunate to survive the effort,...but that is a story for another day.

Another view of the  spectacular Aurora Bridge, from which the bus fell...after the driver lost control from being attacked by a passenger.

Today was a most beautiful day in Bellingham...heavy fog, about 45 F...light winds...and a continuous mist falling, thoroughly soaking the ground.  I went out two times...both times without a jacket...just like most locals...

One of my greatest pleasures; walking through the "liquid sunshine" so treasured in the pristine airs of the Pacific Northwest.

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