Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Along the shores of Puget Sound lie dozens of communities - large and small - within one of the finest micro climates of the world...affording year-round out door activities for millions of residents and visitors from VANCOUVER and VICTORIA, B.C., CANADA in the north to SEATTLE-TACOMA, WASHINGTON in the south.

The village of EDMONDS, WASHINGTON is situated on a rather steep hillside facing west overlooking the cold pristine waters of Puget Sound...the magnificent OLYMPIC MOUNTAINS - with 10 year-round glaciers and extensive rain forest providing a breathtaking backdrop.  It was in Edmonds that SAM and ME participated in a 11 km walk sponsored by SOUND STEPPERS Volkssport Club, one of dozens of active organizations providing activities for members and guests in virtually every conceivable interest imaginable.

A few photographs of our 2-hour walk through and around Edmonds are offered below:

Over my left shoulder is one of the many super ferries plying Puget Sound.

Above photo is a rather large MONKEY TREE...each branch a replica of a monkey tail.

Christmas Decorations are already adorning Edmond's Chamber Of Commerce.

Two members of SOUND STEPPERS cross in front of one of the many MURALS painted on buildings of downtown Edmonds.

Downtown Edmonds.  

Edmonds Boardwalk MURAL.

Rising from Edmond's waterfront, this picturesque country road reaches I-5 and the Pan-American Highway of "old 99", beginning in northern Canada and ending deep within South America.

Edmonds, Washington is a people's town.  Each neighborhood offers LITTLE FREE LIBRARIES, where books are available at all times...take a book at no cost...leave a book for the next visitor.

Lots of hills in Edmonds.  SAM and ME barely kept up with the last of the 50-something walkers on this cool overcast day- with a bit of drizzle to make us feel at home -


We have submitted our written notice that as of December 31, 2013, we will move out of our apartment.   I have experienced many "closures"; i.e., moving on...leaving loved ones behind...stepping out once again into the unknown.  This time, however, I am wrestling with thoughts of;  this may be our final "home".

My mantra...over the next hill...around the next corner...awaits something - awaits someone; keep SAM and ME walking and rolling forward.

Much of what little remains...a few books, a bed, couple chest of drawers, a swing recliner, a gorgeous leather couch - a "love" gift from E, glass kitchen table with 4 chairs; crystal - china - sterling - home-crafted clothing ("love gifts" from Cri ), and about 15 pair of shoes and boots...;  many treasures being set aside, being offered to "others".

SAM and ME will walk and roll from Bellingham on January 01, 2014.  Our detailed route has been selected to circumnavigate the Rocky Mountains - counterclockwise.  Upon further consideration, we have also detailed a route which once again circumnavigates the entire "lower 48" states...this time on the roadways on the extreme edge of our country.

When SAM and ME leave Phoenix, Arizona - about March 01, 2014, we will decide which route we will take.  Which ever we choose, reaching a "destination" is no longer an objective.  Being a long-time sailor, I know the real value of any endeavor is the excitement of EACH DAY...of each new friendship...to look into the eyes and heart of the next wild animal to step before me and mentally converse...

For the first time, SAM and ME will have available to us, our full $$ Social Security - except for cost of "enforced": insurance and $150.00/month cost for our computer and cell.  By judicious budgeting, we will be able to finance our "unending" walk.  We will take SPIA-2 (our 1995 Mazda MPV - with 262,000 miles), making SPIA-2 our "home" for the foreseeable future.

We would very much like to align with a "cause", promoting Cancer, MS, Arthritis, or some such.  I cannot, however, bring myself to ask for donations, knowing (having researched the subject) that up to 90% of $$ donations are, nearly always, retained by the organizers instead of the donations reaching those for whom the donations are intended.  We will, instead, continue to promote "awareness" ... firstly to our own LYMPHATIC SYSTEM...the center of our body immune system and caretaker of our bodily health;  such as:  Awareness that one in 1,000 of us have even heard of our Lymphatic System and have no idea where it is, what it does, let alone understand that we must make DAILY efforts to make our Lymphatic System function.

To the best of our ability, we will continue to blog daily.


  1. Bruce, good to hear from you again, may you have a safe journey! .

  2. Dallas of wv I still go to hurricane for lunch did I tell you my wife died on06-25-13 just me and my dog now
