Sunday, December 29, 2013


One week since being discharged from the hospital after having two stents inserted into heart arteries.  Been instructed to not lift or move anything over 10 pounds to avoid damaging the surgery entry points.  Two incisions were made next to my scrotum where instruments and the stents entered the arteries...then fed along the pipes all the way into the heart, some 4 feet away.  Kinda neat maneuver.  I was released within 12 hours of completing the operation(s).

So far, no problems.  Have been packing up clothes, books, and other small items.  Will take them to my new storage unit in Ferndale, Washington, in a couple days.  The big items such as bed, couch, recliner, bookcase, etc. will be taken to storage on Wednesday by a truck I will rent from U&-Haul.  I will then spend a day or two cleaning, scrubbing floors, and shampooing carpets with my carpet cleaner.  Other residents have told me that current management brags about confiscating the 500.00 "damage deposit" when residents move out.  I must have my deposit returned in full, so will take great care in cleaning up before I leave.

The hospital has set up a internet access to monitor my medical status as I progress on my next walk.  I really look forward to that communication, as in the past, I always walked "blind", with no technical awareness of how I was doing, except for my own non-technical observations; which limitations got me into difficulties more than once.   I will take various tests and feed the results back to my Doctor / Nurse, including reactions to changing medications along the way.

Today, I broke down and took SAM out for a 2-hour walk and roll through the hills of Bellingham.  Except for being a bit short of breath the first 15 minutes or so, the ole' body performed without complaint or pain.

Have received e-mail from my New Zealand friends Rory and wife Molly, who have been "homeless by choice" and walking / camping for some 12 years.  They intend to arrive in Los Angeles in early March 2014, to commence a 2-year walk throughout the USA.  I will be arriving in Los Angeles area approximately March 2014.  It is a possibility that we can meet up for a bit.  I look forward to that.

My lease says I must vacate the apartment on Wednesday, January 01, 2014.  Because of the restriction to my movements imposed by the hospital, I hope the management will allow me an extra 2 - 3 days so I can complete move-out and clean-up.  Otherwise, they my scarf up my $500.00 deposit.

We shall see.

I am anxious to walk and roll SAM & ME down the roadways once again.

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