Thursday, January 9, 2014


Last night we parked / slept overnight in the Safeway Supermarket.  Early hours after dark were spent inside the grocery store for 3 hours preparing yesterday's blog.

Please say HELLO to MAGGIE, who occupied the table next to our computer...she working on advanced algebra problems for her Sophomore College class.  After finishing her studying, Maggie kept me company until finishing the blog, which she - as a writing whiz - proofed and passed judgement on my effort.  Leaving, I received a lingering hug and a reluctant goodbye.

This morning, I set out before daylight walking West on US 20.  It was very cold still, and the air filled with moisture- but, no rain.  The various pains from the past few days have nearly gone, so I enjoyed a stimulating walk, even tho there was quite a lot of traffic, including large logging trucks...something that will become common in the next few weeks as we make our way into California.

An unidentified antique car from Port Townsend.

We are now passing through heavily forested foothills of the Olympic Mountains.  The road is excellent, with a good berm for walking safely.  Not too much to see with the 100 foot tall fir trees encroaching on the highway.  We will continue through the fir forest...also lots of Cedar, Hemlock, etc. etc. and not a few redwoods.  In a few days we will reach the Hoh Rain Forest...the area which receives the majority of the rain filled clouds rolling in off the Pacific Ocean...allowing the San Juan Islands and Bellingham areas to enjoy a nearly dry micro-climate.

Please say HELLO to NITA, manager of a local U-Haul business.  I stopped in to warm up, use the facilities and chat.  Very learned and interesting young lady.  She and her hubby have been nibbling at the bait to embark on a walk to somewhere.  Nita has already completed the Cascade Mountain Crest Trail (which begins in Canada and continues well into California).

U-Haul yard.

Part of US 20 has a bicycle path running parallel.  A couple narrow bridges were necessary to cross walking west on US 20, so I took the bike path on my return to Port Townsend.  Completed something like 20 miles this morning upon returning to Port Townsend to fetch our MPV.

Please say HELLO to TYLER.  Tyler works at the U-Haul with Nita.  Upon leaving them, I forgot my water bottle (which I always carry when walking), so Tyler hopped into his car to drive out US 20 to find as to return my water bottle...and surprised me with a sac of chocolate filled eclairs...which became lunch.

Thank you both Tyler and Nita.

Leaving Port Townsend, I drove our MPV some 25 miles to the SKLALLAM TRIBE business district - museum, casino, gas station, food center, and a number of other beautifully designed and constructed interesting and restful place to stop, find out about our ancient forefathers culture.

Please say HELLO to MANDY...proprietor of the Sklallam Indian Art Center, where I spent more than a few minutes chatting.

POOK OOPS Mask of the Sklallam Nation.  Click the image to enlarge to read the inscription which given background history.

SOUL CATCHER:  Again, please click the image to read the inscriptions.

The small lower left tubular "pipe" is an actual "Soul Catcher" manufactured by Dusty, the Son of Mandy.

Dusty Humphries...carver of Soul Catcher in the above image...Mandy's Son.

Mandy's Art Center.

We then drove the final 5 miles to the "locally" famous town of Sequim.  I was astounded upon driving into town to find all the big box companies have moved in.  Sequim is now a BIG town, offering just about everything the tourist could desire.

Tonight, we are parked at WAL-MART.  To complete this blog update, I have driven to the local Safeway Grocery Store, where tables for computers are available.  In a few moments, will return to WAL-MART for the night...another cold night along the northern flanks of the Olympic Mountains.

Tomorrow, will attempt to walk the 17 miles from Sequim to Port Angeles.

Sequim Wall Mural.

I must admit that I have been DRAGGING all day today.  Perhaps the cold has finally caught up with me...perhaps too, the boo boo's sustained have taken a bit of the starch out of these old bones.  In any event, I am pooped.

At least, I have been sleeping groups of 6 hours or so for the entire night.

Hopefully tomorrow will warm up a bit.  I could use a lift...


  1. Dear Sir,
    It was wonderful meeting you today. On a cold, windy, and rainy day you brought a ray of sun to our home away from home at U-Haul. I enjoyed our time together; your stories and wisdom were enlightening. You are a true inspiration, and I wish we had had more time to visit today. May all your journeys be filled with ease. I look forward to reading your blog and seeing the pictures you post in the future.

  2. Hello sir,
    It was a pleasure talking to you at Safeway the other day in Port Townsend while I was waiting for my mom to pick me up for dinner. I loved hearing about how you got started on walking around America and hearing about all your adventures. I just wanted to let you know however that my name is Debbie not Maggie. I will continue to follow you as you continue your walk.
    Good luck,
