Saturday, January 11, 2014


What a Fine Kettle of Fish we find ourselves in.

Yesterday I reported that the Seattle Seahawks play on Sunday.  I was wrong.

The Seahawks play today, Saturday, at 1:00 pm (noon).

As predicted, a strong storm descended upon the Olympic Peninsula yesterday afternoon.  It rained heavily all night and at 0900 hours (9:00 am), it is still raining rather hard.  So, I have decided to remain here in Port Angeles for another night.

As a matter of fact, I may remain here in Port Angeles for the next three weeks.  The reality of lack of $$ funds has once again set in.  Since bringing along the Mazda MPV, which consumes one gallon each 20 miles, I have calculated that $$ will run out somewhere between here and the Columbia River, some 250 miles to the south.

Figure it is more intelligent to sit tight in a place where overnight parking is available...and where tourists find facilities without having to take on the cost of a motel.  Most receptive businesses and city properties allow 24 hour parking.  Since there are a number of such locations, by alternating  each night, I may not wear out my welcome.

Then too, the town of Sequim is only 15 or so miles away...which town also provides welcome overnight facilities such as WAL-MART.

On the Second of each month, my Social Security $$ arrives at my bank.  The additional $725.00 available from previously $$ spent on the apartment, should be more than sufficient to fund continuing our walk and roll around America.  I counted on being refunded my $500.00 "apartment deposit".  Management made it clear that no such refund should be expected...and if any $$ was refunded, it would take many weeks for the wheels of progress to make it happen.  In the increasingly "Social State" in which we live, we become increasingly dependent upon the oft-times irrational decisions of those who have become our "overlords".

I thought seriously about remaining in Bellingham.  Psychologically, it was necessary that I move on, hoping my $400.00 available in pocket would support us until February 02.  I miscalculated, as only $250 remains after covering only 100 miles in the first week...with another three weeks to go before "payday".

One would think that by now I would have a reasonable understanding about $$ management.  The extreme cold of the past week has slowed down our walk.  I would normally walk 200 miles in one week, whereas we have achieved only 100 miles.

Better, I argue with myself, to be in a friendly town instead in isolated mountain country when funds run out.

Then too, with perhaps the entire remainder of my life dedicated to walking, it matters little where I spend today, tomorrow, or for that matter, the next few weeks.  Be certain that we WILL complete our current circumnavigation of America.  This little matter of $$ management is but temporary.  My life has been a series of adventures and obligations...all of which have been consummated successfully.  I see no reason to change at this later moment.

So, please hang in there.  We will soon be on our way once again.

For the record, I no longer have any pains...and SPIA-2 is doing well.

1 comment:

  1. It was great meeting you Bruce. Good luck on your journey! God bless :)
    Ashley Jones
