Friday, January 17, 2014


The word has come credit line at the moment.

Seems one of my ER visits during recent walks has been referred to collection, giving a less than satisfactory credit report; i.e., no temporary bank support to continue my walk.  Ample funds will be available on February 02. when SS $$ reach the bank account.

Really did not expect any different.

Learning to adjust standard of living is an interesting study in restraint.

There is no need for concern.  I now have full medical insurance, a healthy body, a good functioning vehicle, and a mission to keep me challenged...and as of February 02, ample resources to walk my my talk...with more sensational photographs and new friends.

As for the next two weeks, I will do just fine...may need to adjust the walking route just a bit, but will continue to share new sights and new friends on daily blogs.

Will now retire to SPIA-2 for one more overnight at WAL-MART.  Will then continue south - albeit on a different (temporary) route, meeting our original plan somewhere near ASTORIA, Oregon by February 02 "Social Security Payday".

Then, its full steam ahead ... back on track.

Chin Up ... Around the next bend...over the next hill...awaits something / someone sensational !!!

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