Tuesday, January 21, 2014


We traversed some prodigious hills today...both up and down...through timber-country.

Some timber companies advertise the timber harvesting schedule(s).  75 to 100 years pass from the previous "planting" to the next "harvesting"; i.e., this section could be harvested as soon as 2050.

Some 10 miles from Montesano is the single business community of Arctic.  Just before dark yesterday, we walked this roadway # 107.  So this morning, drove to Arctic, where the day started with a cup of coffee at CLARK'S RESTAURANT...a delightful cozy restaurant along side US 101...which has been in business for over 80 years in that spot.

Long time employee, Angie and I had an interesting chat about her family - all growing up in the Grays Harbor towns...then moving to the town of YELM, at the base of Mt. RAINIER.

Images follow of forested hills alongside US 101 as we make our way to the town of Raymond, Washington.

* * * * * * * * * *

Have learned a great lesson here in Redmond...have spent a frustrating night trying to create our latest blog update...my computer has been slow as cold molasses.  This morning, phoned my guru who suggested my "private" VERIZON access was simply too far away from the nearest tower...and perhaps local WI-FII
is necessary to get good internet connectivity.  By gosh, he is right...appears to be NO problem with my antiquated NETBOOK.  And I have been fighting this problem for years.

Truth in:  Never too old to learn.

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