Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Wondered why road signs did not include LINCOLN CITY...discovered today that LINCOLN CITY is actually five (5) separate smaller towns...together which extend about five miles distant...collectively known as LINCOLN CITY.  Tomorrow, plan to discover a bit more of this arrangement...then continue South on US 101 toward the truly beautiful town of DEPOT BAY...where I hope to stay tomorrow night.

Today, walked some 5 hours North and East ...first on US 101. then East on the roadway towards PORTLAND, Oregon...after which I turned around and returned to LINCOLN CITY, where will remain one more night in the SAFEWAY parking lot.

Breakfast at Mac D this morning...

What (Where) is the 45th PARALLEL???

Looking at a World Map - or a Globe - one sees horizontal lines drawn at equal distances from each other beginning at the top (North Pole) and ending at the bottom (South Pole).  Three of these horizontal lines are considered primary PARALLELS.  They occur at the CENTER = EQUATOR, which is located at 90 Degrees; i.e., HALF WAY BETWEEN THE NORTH AND SOUTH POLE.

The other primary PARALLELS are located:

 half way between the EQUATOR and (to the north) the North Pole...at 45 Degrees NORTH; and,the other

 half way between the EQUATOR and (to the South) the South Pole...at 45 Degrees SOUTH.

LINCOLN CITY, therefore has the distinction of being EXACTLY half way between the EQUATOR and the NORTH POLE.

I came upon two highway work zones today...each work zone blocking one traffic lane, causing a traffic backup in both (alternating) directions.  The purpose of the Work Zones was to trim tree branches which had grown so large that branches reached overhead electric (telephone) lines resulting in damage to the wires during wind storms.

Please say HELLO to COREY, one of the work crew Supervisors.  COREY and I chatted for some minutes...perhaps a bit too long...about LYMPHATIC SYSTEM and how and why it is so critical to our body...and why I choose to give it the name of our very own FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH.

COREY"S Work Crew removing offending tree branches among the wires.

US 101 Highway crosses under the East bound highway to PORTLAND, some 85 miles to the North East.

Decided to walk a few miles on this "new" road for the same reason ..."the Bear climbed over the mountain...to see what he could see"...

...I saw these Wetlands......

I saw this HIP ROOF RED Barn...

...I saw this TEXAS LONG HORN BEEF...a breed not often encountered outside Texas.

...and, I met up with this friend and colleague of COREY...

Please say HELLO to LARRY...Flagman on a companion tree branch removal crew working some miles distant from COREY"S crew.

My ILLINOIS friends will appreciate the above image...McMenamins PUB of LINCOLN CITY, Oregon.

* * * * * * * * * * 

Good weather is forecast for the next couple days.

Today I noticed - for the first time on this walk...now one month duration...that my legs gave me nearly full strength.  With many ocean-side hills waiting to be climbed, leg strength is welcome.

Having received SS $$, I treated my feet to a soothing professional foot message...@ $30.00.  After one month through ice and snow, the feet were deserving...even so reducing budget from $10.00 per day to $9.00 per day

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