Saturday, March 22, 2014


From time to time, I have visited villages with a strange fascination.  29 PALMS is one of those villages.  However, in the morning, SPIA will be loaded for the long desert crossing, so I plan to once again head East on SR 62, saying GOOD BYE - perhaps for the final time - to 29 PALMS.

In 5 days or so, The first watering hole will appear.  Have stocked in some ice, but that will be melted within 36 hours.  Temperatures will reach mid 80's...not bad for walking, but death on ice cues.

Should be a fun stroll trough this big sand pile called MOJAVE DESERT.

Stopped in at the local JIFFY-LUBE, advertising oil change for $24.95.  4 guys attacked SPIA from end to end ... from top to bottom.  Was asked to step in to the "office" to be informed that since SPIA has 264,000 miles, they would only use 10-30 "Long Miles" Special Oil...and that they had no stock remaining of my "NORMAL 10-40 or 10-30 oil...AND

SURPRISE SURPRISE...The Long Mile Oil cost $65.00...a price increase of $40.00...and all because:  (1) They were out of stock of rhe oil I wanted...and (2) the alternate "on hand" $24.95 job was 05-30 oil...real cheapo stuff.  I told them I would not play at their game...took my marbles (KEY), and drove off...assuring them that their incredible stupidity would be shared around the world...a first for my blog...but they pissed me off !

BURGER KING, 29 PALMS, has been especially kind to me...not that ALL "hosts" have been anything but simply perfect over the past 4 years  from coast to coast and all points between.

Please say HELLO to DEBRA and GERMANY, both employees of BK.

Please say HELLO to this handsome Gentleman...a BK client who followed along some of the conversation with Debra and Germany...including pulling up our blog.  I have his name written down, but darned if I can find it.

This is a close-up photo of a Sage Brush...please notice the many tiny "burrs", which are covered with tiny - but very sharp needle spines -pictured so it is important ...DO NOT GO BAREFOOT...the spines do not pull out easily.

The BOOK SHOP of PATTY O'TOOLE, whom I hope to visit on my way back from my morning walk...which turns out to be 12 miles back toward YUCCA VALLEY and return to 29 PALMS.

A roadside plant which has managed to produce a beautiful Easter Lilly - like bloom,

Please say HELLO to PATTY O'TOOLE.  We all know who PATTY is

...if not, a reminder...

...and HIS NIBS...resting against PATTY's Sign.

Another of OH-SO-MANY new friends I lothe to leave behind.

Tomorrow, will walk to and beyond those very distant mountains...on SR 62

* * * * * * * * * *

While sitting in BURGER KING for hours on end creating the blog update, a local friendly Gentleman, JOHN has kept me company...

Tomorrow, will post a pic of JOHN


  1. Read your blog in amazement. Beautiful desert pictures. How amazing you have walked so far.

  2. Bruce,
    Proud of you for standing your ground with those guys at Jiffy Lube. They saw you license plate, then tried to rip you off, Big Time. How can they even stay in business, if they do not have 10-30, or 10-40 on hand? What a way to do business !!! There are lots of those types of guys around ! Just like a Sears service tech tried to tell me I needed a new tie rod for my car, when I bought a set of tires. When I got home, I checked that "so called bad tie rod", and it was perfectly tight, and not worn out. All he wanted was more commission. No wonder Sears is going down hill.
