Sunday, April 6, 2014


A community of perhaps 200 in "off season" - Summer - Aguila Winter time residents grow to over 5,000...most of those, SNOW BIRDS from up North, moving temporarily to Aguila in their yearly hunt for the Winter Sum.

Sunset last night from Aguila, Arizona

COYOTE FLATS Cafe, who served up special Saturday Night Steak BBQ.

This week I have received a number of Blog "Donations", which among other things, allowed me to join in the special first full meal in some time.  Thank you for your consideration.

SPIA-2 stayed overnight where she is parked in the above photo.

Interesting growth pattern for desert plants in this region of the MOJAVE Desert...lots of open space between the desert growth.  Today will be the final day in the MOJAVE Desert.  Tomorrow I will enter PHOENIX, Arizona...beyond which begin the true BIG mountains of the ROCKY MOUNTAINS.  This will be my 4th crossing of the Rockies on foot..

US Highway 60 approaching AGUILA from the West.

US 60 as it passes through the village of AGUILA.

Sun Rise this morning.  Was on US 60 heading East toward WICKENBURG, Arizona - 25 miles distant - at 5:50 AM...10 minutes before Sun Rise.

Completed 16 miles upon returning to COYOTE FLATS, where I treated myself to a LARGE bowl of Hot Oat second breakfast as I enjoyed Raisin Bran with Yogurt in the car before setting out toward WICKENBURG.

Much of the Eastern MOJAVE has come under cultivation.  Imagine the 1,000 foot deep lake has something to do with that.

The Virgin Desert looks as in the above image.

The next two images show a progression of cultivation from "virgin" to planted fields...

MOJAVE Sands plowed and tilled. Many Desert Plants are still visible in this partially complete field.

From an adjacent section of the MOJAVE Desert, the above image is of a fully transitioned field.

In addition to this morning's 16 mile stroll through the COLD morning Desert air, I drove to the outskirts of the City og WICHENBURG, parked SPIA-2 in a new State Roadside Park, and walked Back West on US 60 for 10 miles.  This Historical Monument was placed at the actual spot where Indians stopped a Stage Coach, killonh all aboard...happened in the year so very long ago.

Cross section of the soil as we leave the MOJAVE DESERT...

...a thin layer of sandy soil sitting atop a thick layer of Sandstone...still in early formative stages as demonstrated by crumbling of the stone after a modest fall onto the highway right-of-way.

A look ahead into the WICKENBURG Valley.

The distant hills are the start of the Rocky Mountains.

WICKENBURG is expanding West up the desert 'DRAWS' (ravines).

The Business District lies about two miles distant and a bit to the right.

PHOENIX is to the extreme right, about 40 miles distant.

* * * * * * * * * *

It is now 3:15 pm...sitting in McDONALDS.  After posting this update, will drive BACK US 60 to a small Shopping Center where exists a WALMART-LIKE Store.  I will shop for a new pair of walking shoes.  Have only my water-proof walkers and Boots left.  All the rest have worn out and been discarded.


  1. Enjoyed your bog
    Dallas of wv

  2. We were in Yuma for month of March Nice weather, Nice in Seattle today. take care B @ E
