Saturday, April 26, 2014

POST 1302; APRIL 26, 2014; MEADE, KANSAS

WIND:  If the wind has been strong the past weeks, it is reaching storm speed today.  I lay awake in the backseat bedroom measuring the bounces of SPIA-2 as the wind increased during last night.
At dawn, I was on US 54 headed West toward PLAINS, some 14 miles distant...pushing uphill against the stiff blow.  After 2 hours, turned back to MEADE.

Was going to hike a couple hours East on US 54, but with all the hype about wind, rain, hail, and tornadoes, I roamed the town of MEADE instead.  Today was town-wise GARAGE SALE DAY.  I took it in.  My heart cried for the meager offerings and fewer buyers.

Is now 5:30 pm CDT, local.  The Sun is shining brightly.  Wind is blistering theough the trees.  PIZZA HUT huge soign out front is twisting, turning,and bucking in the still rising wind.

Will move SPIA-2 to the abandoned SONIC Restaurant building which affords overhead roof protection from potential large damaging Hail Stones.

Locals seem unconcerned at the approaching storm.  News forecasters are a bit more animated with projections for continuance through Tuesday.   I am taking measured chances by staying in MEADE.  Locals say MEADE sits in a shallow valley, protected from the worst.  Towns to the East on US 54 are more, MEADE is where SPIA-2 and ME will hunker down.

Residential Street, MEADE, Kansas.

PIZZA HUT, who has been so kind.

Small local airport is about 2 miles from MEADE Center.

Local history...not to challenge the DALTON Brothers.

Hills and valleys are becoming dominate as we move East toward the MISSISSIPPI River Valley.

One of few Ranch Homes adjacent to US 54.  Ranch Homes are becoming more numerous across the landscape.

Two more young ladies who ended their lives in an auto accident on the lonely stretches of US 54

Flag snapping too in the windy front yard of a local Ranch Home.

US 54 leading back East to MEADE.

More of the dusty farm roads of the Mid West Plains.

There is an occupied Farm House hiding in the protection of trees.

Returning to MEADE...joining the few shoppers perusing the TOWN GARAGE SALE.

MEADE is fortunate to have an honest to goodness Saddlery where leather goods are hand made.

Washing machine TUB ala my vintage.  A "Scrub Board" is used with this square wash tub to scrub away the grime from clothing.  150 years ago, local Native Americans used flat rocks in local streams as wash boards...pounding grimy deer skins with stout wood clubs to get them clean.

ME? ... I throw my grimy clothes in the bottom of my rare shower.  I use Shampoo to wash myself, the drainage soaking underfoot; my stomping becoming the cleaning club.  Rinse each piece well, wring out excess water, and allow to dry in a couple hours draped over the seats of the hot interior of SPIA-2.

A MEADE home.


Impromptu Sales Counter.

Toys on display.

Banjo offered by a professional musician.

Please say HELLO to ROBERT of KISMET.  Because of sickness at home, Robert missed yesterday Lunch at the KISMET Senior Center.

Pic of SHIRLEY TEMPLE for sale by one of the Garage Sale Vendors.  She was asking $5.00, but allowed me to photograph Shirley's image.

Clockmaker opened on Saturday just for the Garage Sale. 

Please say HELLO to Husband JEFF and Wife, MICKEY, who have been an 18 Wheeler Truck Driver Team for over 14 years.

* * * * * * * * * *

Have just been informed be PIZZA HUT Manager that weather forecasters have lowered forecast probability for severe MEADE storm down to 10%.

Guess NO Tornado pics for me today.   If wind dies during the night, might as well continue walking East on US 54 in the morning.

Have received additional $$ via Blog "DONATE" BUTTON.  Thank You.

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