Saturday, May 3, 2014

POST 1309; MAY 03, 2014; GODDARD, KANSAS

Today is one of those rare moments when I get a desire to sit back and let the world go by.  Did not walk today.  Drove the new US 54  from KINGMAN to GODDARD, FREEWAY all the way;
...and a beautiful walking day it has been.  Am now 8 miles from WICHITA, Kansas.

Instead, acknowledged that SS $$ have arrived.  Of $1,190 received. $550 has already been disbursed:  $145.00 to VERIZON for monthly computer / cell phone; $125.00 to AARP SUPPLEMENTAL and Medication Insurance, and $300.00 to American Express to pay down the $6,000.00 yet to go.

Leaves me some $600.00 for May 2014 expenses = $20.00 per day...most I have had available since I began walking.  If careful, should be OK.  Wish to thank those who pushed the Blog DONATION Button.

Tomorrow, will purchase a new battery for the used cell phone I received in trade for my ANDROID, which was much too complex for me.  Current fully-charged battery is DEAD after 15 minutes of "talk" use.

I have found and purchased the book for which I have searched since walking in Oregon three months ago.  This book is entitled THE DEFENDING ARMY, a 1994 TIME-LIFE technical in depth visit inside our own IMMUNE SYSTEM.  One friend suggested I refrain from pursuing THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM..."until I knew what I was talking about..."  Previous dissertation(s) have been limited to that which I learned since 1991 diagnosis of Christiane for advanced aggressive CANCER.  By my discovering the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM early on and together with Cri,  implementation of actions to allow the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM to do it's assigned task(s), CRI lived `10 years and I have avoided ANY sickness since 1991.

Since I have no address, have had the book shipped to little Sister, Carol, with whom I will visit once again in DeKALB,Illinois in 3 weeks or so.

 The LYMPHATIC SYSTEM is destined to become a major daily part of my walk - I already speak to folks every day - and on this blog. 

I have also given considerable attention to my next walk; either, complete the interrupted walk at the NORTH DAKOTA / MONTANA border from NORTH CAROLINA to The PEACE ARCH, BLAINE, Washington...OR; my 5-year preparation to fly to LISBON, Portugal to begin my walk to The Sea Of JAPAN, via China...or BOTH.

As long as able, I plan to walk ... my walk of discovery, sharing on this blog, that which is discovered.

The LISBON - CHINA walk will require some assistance.  My request is being formulated for internet publication in the next few days.

PIZZA HUT Buffet Table.  Pizza Hut has, together with several other businesses, been more than kind to allow me to create my blog during their business hours.

SPIA-2 parked in the shade this afternoon in the quickly growing town of GODDARD, Kansas for the night at the  city-city-owned  truck stop parking lot next door to PIZZA HUT.   Optionally, may join the many RV's already parked at the local WALMART.

Tomorrow, will walk into WICHITA, purchase the phone battery and continue East on US 54 toward MISSOURI.


  1. I have been following you for last 3 yr.
    Was a pleasure to meet 2 times at Hurricane seinors

    And the stay overnight with me. Dallas of wv
