Monday, May 19, 2014


Hesitate to say it, but there is not much of interest to report along this stretch of road.  US 54 has changed from a super highway to a country road following the section lines.  (Section Lines = The USA is divided into "Sections", squares of land surveyed and marked.  Most rural farms are divided up based upon Sections, with country roads following the Section Lines...usually with corners of 90 degrees, avoiding cutting across farmer's land.)

Very unusual for major Rural roads to follow Section Lines; but, US 54 does just that to within 10 miles of the Missouri side of the Mississippi River.

From Fulton, walked the couple miles to the I-70 Truck stops.  Then moved SPIA to the Truck stop, parked, and walked East on US 54 for 4 hours toward the rambling town of MEXICO, where I planned to spend the night.  MEXICO is a Gerrymander type town (Gerrymander:  a 1800s practice whereby land is selected to include the most dense attempt to "control" VOTES.  This practice leaves Voting borders looking like a worm crawling in contorted ways....decidedly avoiding Section Lines or any attempt at rectangular township lines.)

It could be that the town of MEXICO only looks Gerrymandered as I had to follow roadways going this way and that.  In any event, found no suitable place to over night, so continued driving the Section Line US 54 to the village of VANDALIA, where PIZZA HUT jumped out at me.  Stopped, introduced myself and have been welcomed to once again complete today's meager blog update.  Hopefully, will be allowed to stay over night, too, as I must walk BACK some 1 miles in the morning to recover driven miles.

I-70 and US 54 intersection.

Local High School.

As we close on the Mississippi River, the land has flattened out, giving a long distance view looking into ILLINOIS on the East side of the River.

For some reason, this section of US 54 is not maintained as the previous roadway stretching across both KANSAS and MISSOURI.  Next week, major roadway work in this area is scheduled to begin.

Supervisor of the grass cutting crew.

* * * * * * * * * *

Today, the wind has returned with some vengence.  There has been a dense weather front sitting to the West, sending warm spurts of heavy wind our way.  Looks to me to be moving East and will probably arrive around dark - at 8:30 pm local.

If so, I will welcome a day of rest.  Again downed an IBU...pain pill today.  Am trying to ignore the right leg injury, but it is still with me.

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