Monday, May 26, 2014


Roadways have been surprisingly empty on this Memorial Day.  Rain was forecast, but no sign of it at this late hour - 3:30 pm local.

Leaving the VFW last evening, drove 15 miles to the town of BANNER, where I spent hours hours sipping a single beer and chatting in the darkened tavern.  It was so dark, I poured my beer from the bottle, missing the top of the glass, pouring half the contents on the top of the bar.

My chat was with a young lady whom I never once saw, though she was only a couple feet from me.
in the darkness, we discussed CANCER, LYMPHATIC SYSTEM, and the tribulations of living and careing for loved ones.  She completed her first CHEMO treatments a few days ago.

By the time I climbed into my Back Seat Bedroom, I was so emotionally drained, forgot about sleeping pills, slipped between my Duvets, and was sleeping as my head touched the pillows.  The Sun peeked thru a crack in my window coverings when I finally awoke.

Walked 2 hours out and returned to SPIA-2.  Drove into PEORIA, Illinois, found J.C. PENNYs in the NORTHWOOD MALL, where I purchased my gifted pair of NIKE MONARCH AIR Shoes...Oficially "Trainers."  Decided not to walk more today.  Instead, drove across PEORIA to find my way thru the maze of freeways, wearing the new NIKEs to break them in.

Have driven into PEORIA suburbs to the town os GERMAN HILLS.

Carrying my MAP - which I had marked our walking route through Illinois, into McDonalds to create my new update.  Set my map on a table...returned to SPIA-2 to fetch the computer; upon return to my table, my map was gone.  Stopped at a Convenience Store, purchased a new map. 

Last recollection was carrying the new map from the has also disappeared.

Have been fortuate to find MICHAEL's Italian Restaurant.  MICHAEL, Jr. kindly offered me a secluded table with electrical outlet.  It is now 4:00 pm local.  Internet WI FI signal is excellent and am flying through this update.

Will celebrate Memorial Day and my new shoes with a tasty Italian Dinner at MICHAELs.

The Darkened Tavern; The Chat in the dark; Just ME and the stricken Lady embarking on her struggles with Breast Cancer.

BANNER is home to an extensive MARSH LAND.

Last time I saw such nests was in PORTUGAL, where STORKS outnumbered PORTUGESE.

Please say HELLO to MICHAEL O'CONNOR, local resideny, retired from teaching High School and intent on breaking my chops discussing his take on religious aspects of his life.  As we move further into the East - South East, such folks will become ever more vocal and insistent on laying on the Gospel at every opportunity.

I suggested to Michael - nothing to do with the fine Italian Restaurant - that two words I  would like to disappear:  "believe" and "hypocrite"  No, we are NOT going there!

* * * * * * * * * *

Must find an spot to park over night.

It is getting HOT.  Now hovering in mid 80's and looks to become somewhat hotter.

Will purchase another map in the morning before stepping ouy in the morning.

I am still quite tired from lack of sleep.  Will slow as we approach DeKALB, which should put us at Carol's by June 10 or so.  

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