Thursday, June 19, 2014


Our weather front finally caught up with us, dropping a torrent of rain accompanied with lightning and thunder.  In the morning, was still drizzling.  Took a two hour walk anyway North out of the city of MEDINA, Ohio.
Stopped at BOB EVANS chain restaurant for a bowl of hot oat meal @ $3.45.

Drizzle turned to a mist, so decided to drive across CLEVELAND to Lake Erie.  Found I-71 / I-271, getting off at PAINESVILLE, which is still a large town.  Drove a bit further to the lakeside town og North MADISON, which has both McDonald's and WALMART.

Feels almost like cheating with all the McDonald's and WALMART to eat and overnight.  Better not get too use to that, as there are plenty of empty miles still to go (about 6,000 miles, actually, to return to the Peace Arch)

Early morning walk North of MEDINA, Ohio on Route  42.

BOB EVANS is a good place to eat, if a bit pricy. 

Still raining.

Wild flowers are scarce lately.

VFW (Veterans Of Foreign Wars) MEDINA Helicopter display

* * * * * * * * * *

Blog update is nearly ready to post at 1:30 pm EDT local.

Will drive to WALMART, get settled for the night, take a second walk for the day before studying my LYMPHATIC SYSTEM books.  About ready to incorporate our IMMUNE SYSTEM, with emphasis on our LYMPHATIC SYSTEM, as a regular part of this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Bob Evans, like you said, a nice place to eat, and pricey, as you mentioned. When we visited our farmer friends in Ohio, they usually took us to Bob Evans to eat.

    We are getting the heavy rains like you are having. It always hits us, then Ohio and east, so look for more coming your way, like all week long !

    Another 1.5 inches last night, on top of over 6 inches in the past week to 10 days. Pretty dismal for those farmers who are unable to get in to plant their crops. Looks like lots of prevented planting in this area for 2014.

    Enjoy Ohio, and points beyond.
