Friday, June 20, 2014


As promised, at sunup, drove from WALMART directly to the roadway hugging the shore of Lake Erie, Route 531.  Stopped at BOB EVANS for their large bowl of Hot Oat Meal @ $3.50, lasting me for two extended walks before stopping at a distant McDonald's where this update was joined with two Cheese Burgers and a drink @ $3.00.  Saved half a submarine sandwich from yesterday for din din.

Fighting to keep within budget as the end of the month approaches.

Route 531 proved to be an excellent place to walk.  Followed up the roadway with some hours in the village of CONNEAUT, OHIO, where I met an extraordinary "Grandma".

Am creating this blog update at McDonald's in the town of GIRARD, PENNSYLVANIA on Route 20.  Upon entering PENNSYLVANIA, Route 20 became a "normal" highway, complete with safety bicycle lanes and good berms.

Upon posting this update, will walk the 4 miles to the next village, FAIRVIEW on Route 20...then drive SPIA to WALMART in FAIRVIEW, PA.

Plan to spend the day tomorrow, Saturday, in and around ERIE, Pennsylvania.  According to my Fraternal Grandfather, our family had an ancestor Ship Captain (some controversy in that) who became an international hero of sorts.  His passenger ship caught fire within sight of the city of ERIE, Pennsylvania, with great loss of life.  Captain Maynard has been immortalized by a poem read and memorized throughout European Primary Schools of 75 years ago.  My personal Secretary, ELIZABETH OERGEL from BERLIN, Germany, memorized Captain Maynard's poem in second grade; our  mutual  friend, FRANKIE WOLF of Eastern Europe also memorized the poem in second grade.

Must share my Grandfather's wee children, he took me on trips through Biblical lands and AFRICA while sitting on his knee.  Grandpa Maynard said he wanted to personally visit those historic places.  He never did.  I, however, visited all but three...the Silician Gates (now a super highway between Asia Minor and the Mediterranean Basin), the Blue Nile in Central Africa, and MOUNT KILAMONJIERO, also in AFRICA.    Must find a way to fulfill my effort on his behalf.

Walking the Way Of The Cross in Jerusalem and standing in the sub-basement secret room of the ROMAN COMMANDER's Headquarters in CAIRO, ...where JESUS was taken as an infant to avoid being put to death,... and so many other of Grandpa's places, I said aloud:  I'm here for you Grandpa.

My first glimpse of Lake Erie.

Route 531 hugging Lake Erie Shore.

Homes sit precariously 100 feet above Lake Erie.  The shore is actually a cliff of unstable Sand Layers alternating with Blue Clay.  Water percolates from above into the soil, making the cliff unstable.  Considerable cliff land falls away each year.

Kevin has terraced his cliff with additional soil lifted from the lake shore.  So far, it is holding the cliff in place...unlike some neighbor properties.

Please say HELLO to KEVIN, whose home sits about 20 feet from the cliff edge.  "...been working on it for several years," says Kevin.

Interesting photo of Route 531:  First, a good roadway with adequate berm.  Second, a unique :fence" created from a row of raised gravel; and, third, a real rope-wrapped Marine Dolphin.

I was missing the fact, have not seen a single Seagull...and few birds of any kind.

The RED glass on a stick is found on most Fire as to find the Fire Hydrant when covered by Winter Snow.

Many homes in and around the city of CONNEAUT, feature memorials to military family members.

The bunting of three stars generally means three family members are (or have been) serving in a military manner for our country.

The above pic is reminiscent of "Row Houses" of 150 years ago furnished by industrial companies for their employees.

Route 7 entering city of CONNEAUT.

STROMBOLI = a PIZZA Crust Pie, similar looking to an Apple Pie, but filled with a mixture of PEPPERONI and CHEESE.

The above building - the OLD Library - is FOR SALE !

NORFOLK AND SOUTHERN RAILROAD.  The Train Drivers (Engineers) tend to blow their Compressed whistles a bit loud and LONG.  Even locals have commented on the necessity (or non-necessity) of blowing the whistles so long and loud when passing through towns, especially at night.


Please say HELLO to GRANDMA AUDREY holding 8 day old TREVOR.

Please say HELLO to (again) AUDREY and Grandson TREVOR, KAITLYNNE, Daughter CHRISSI, and Son-in-law ROY.

OOPS, cut off the roof.

* * * * * * * * * *

Is now 430 pm EDT.  Began this update at 12:30 NOON.

I really do try to be somewhat professional with this blog, which gives me great pleasure to find the interesting and beautiful diamonds lining each highway, byway, and many back yards.

Tonight it is once again WALMART a bit East of the next town, FAIRVIEW, PENNSYLVANIA.

Leaving the city of ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA on Sunday, will walk on a new road...Route 5.  Should cross into NEW YORK State on Sunday.

We are nearing the NEW ENGLAND region...a place I have worked and played numerous times.  Look forward to soon doing a bit of walking in NEW ENGLAND

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