Thursday, July 3, 2014


AHHhh, a night undisturbed by mosquitoes.  Fashioned window screens for all opening windows...which seem to keep the little guys out.

From AUBURN, drove to the small town of JORDAN, where I walked the OLD ERIE CANAL and the garden city made from the ashes of the early portion of the ERIE CANAL.

Distinctions JORDAN has:  One of the earliest sections of the canal to be completed; JORDAN Canal was being dug while NAPOLEAN BONAPART was still running FRANCE...WATERLOO being in the future;  JORDAN ERIE CANAL was closed down in 1917, with all infrastructure removed. 

Discovered today that there exists an excellent CANAL TRAIL the entire length of the Canal.  The JORDAN Trail is still in daily use.

Canal Trail Section at Route 31 access point near JORDAN.

MURAL depicting the elevated ERIE CANAL Waterway passing through JORDAN.  Watercraft began using the JORDAN portion of the ERIE CANAL in 1817.

The tow path is clearly shown.

Notice the river water flowing BENEATH the Erie CANAL.  This river water was also used to help control CANAL WATER DEPTH.

Original ERIE CANAL Waterway at JORDAN,


River that flowed BENEATH the ERIE CANAL Aqueduct.

River Diversion Canal...used as necessary to control Canal Water Depth

The River - Diversion Canal as it looks today.

...and as it flows UNDER the original Canal Aqueduct..

Please say HELLO to 87 year old DON, who has been tending the extensive Flower Beds which beautify the Old Canal.

Part of DON's flower beds.

DON's flower beds stretching into the bottom of the 1817 Canal.

This trail extends EAST beyond JORDAN.

Benches line the OLD ERIE CANAL, lying only 10 feet through the dense foilage.

The OLD ERIE CANAL East of JORDAN still exists, including a goodly amount of water in it.

The stones lining the Old Canal have fallen since closing in 1917.

Distances to trail destinations.

WEST OF JORDAN are the ruins of the abandoned LOCK Number 51.  This lock had two chambers, both quite narrow and of short length.

The North Lock No. 51 Chamber.

Looking down the throat of the South Lock Chamber.

Please say HELLO to TOM, employee of the County, who is overseeing the reconstruction of Lock No. 51.

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Arriving in the town of BALDWINSVILLE, New York, I found DUNKUN DONUTS has WIFI, which they kindly allowed me to use.

As tomorrow in JULY 4, no parking is allowed for SPIA.  Shortly, will drive away from town, find a wide spot, and hang out for the night.

Was hoping for an invitation of some sort, but was not to be..

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HURRICANE ARTHUR:  Is headed directly into the Outer Banks towns I helped clean up for 8 months after HURRICANE IRENE in 2011.  The island was flooded to 5.5 feet deep at RODANTHE, where I lived,  Let's hope ARUTHER gives these fine folks a break...

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