Friday, July 25, 2014

POST 1388; JULY 25, 2014; AUBURN, MAINE

A bit of a culture surprise this morning.  Leaving behind the mountain foothills, we entered flatland...sans lakes.  Have completed two walks, one on Route 26 - a heavily travelled two lane roadway leading directly to PORTLAND, Maine...and the second on Route 121, leading to the rather large twin cities of AUBURN and LEWISTON.

Have discovered little of real interest...this corridore to the mountain and Lake Region we left yesterday. ..for our blog.  Will do some of the town before we settle down for the night at the local WALMART.

Tomorrow will lead us toward the FJORD-Like Atlantic Ocean Seacoast about 50 miles North and East of PORTLAND, Maine.

White dot center-right is SPIA, where she parked last night and remained while I walked Route 26 this morning.

Route 26 heading to PORTLAND, Maine.  Good walking roadway...nice wide berm and well maintained...albeit, heavy traffic.

Fresh veggies and fruit as we near the town of AUBURN.

A popular Ice Cream destination:  GIFFORD'S.

* * * * * * * * * *

Am still quite sore around Neck and Shoulders from the fall.

Nose is still letting me know it got slammed rather HARD into the pavement; acts like something inside may be damaged to remain sore like this.  Would not be surprised to have a wee concussion to deal with.

No, no Doctor visit...those guys will take one look at my heart and throw me into cardiac prison.  I landed on my chest - as well as my face - , my camera taking the brunt of that impact, transmitting the result to the area of my heart kinda close to the new Stents installed 5 days before beginning this journey back on January 02.  So far, only mild discomfort, so we'll keep an eye on it.

Will go walk this town some this afternoon ... is now only 11:30 am.  Will then settle down for a nap in SPIA's Back Seat Bedroom ...and later read some more of my new BOURNE adventure.

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