Monday, August 11, 2014


Today we Walk and Roll the lower half of the METHOW Valley, which received the major part of the 2014 FIRE destruction.

Our "Bedroom" along side the METHOW River on the private property of MELISSA.  MELISSA even delivered to our camp, a 10 pound of ICE to help keep my remaining food from spoiling .  Thank you !

SLEEPING BAG lays on my Air Mattress which lays on the blue ground cover...which doubles as a Bug Preventer and Rain Cover when needed.

This is a superb fire pit.

OK...the next few photographs need little or no explanation.  Accept that a massive Forest Fire has just roared the length of the METHOW Valley, destroying all vegetation in it's path and many homes and farm buildings...It still burns in the hills lining the Valley.

The SMOKE is very thick, making breathing difficult and unhealthy.  Still, life carries on...

Dense undergrowth stood here a few days ago.   The WHITE is ASH from burned vegetation.

Some Ranches avoided rhe flames...

Still, this Rancher lost two of his herd of 25 beef cows.

Fence posts lay destroyed along with many telephone Poles...all toppled to the ground.

PUD (Public Utility District ) has replaced all downed wires, returning electrical power within hours of the passing of the fire.

A VERY OLD Suspension Walkway over the METHOW fallen into dis repair.

Please say HELLO to JOE...riding his new HARLEY, the electrical system failed, stranding him hundreds of miles from his home near EVERETT, Washington.  HELP is on the way.

Fire Cleanup is well under way in some properties.

Apple Picking Season is just around the corner...with little fire damage.

Temporary Orchard-provided homes for families of immegrant pickers.
The Fire did not touch these buildings...but, those across the Highway were destroyed.

Approaching PATEROS, complete neighborhoods have burned to the ground.

From this spot.the METHOW RIVER has been backed up and changed color as it flows into the COLUMBIA RIVER only a mile

This business, I have visited a number of times in past years.  Tonight, I have enjoyed cameraderie, dinner, and drink with many.   AND, MY $$ MONEY IS NO GOOD HERE.


please say HELLO to FRED and TONYA, EMS (Emergency Medical Service), working the Fire Lines, treating Fire Fighters when they become injured.

Please say HELLO to this unknown gentleman, who stopped at TRACY's Store, motioned me over, handing me a twenty... saying..."please buy yourself a GOOD steak dinner..."

Thank you, Sir.  I shall do exactly that.

...and now, please say HELLO to TRACY LOOPER, my benefactor since SAM and ME stopped some many hours ago.  It is now 8:30 pm.  I sit alone in the dark at an outside table - wearing the magnificent Head Lamp Gifted me by my BELLINGHAM Host, BOB YOUNG - actually working in the dark.

It is well past my bed time and I must put it together in the dark...Thanks again, BOB, for the Head Lamp.

It was again over 100 F. today and Smoky to inhibit breathing.  I am very tired.   Thanks to TRACY, I will welcome a good sleep tnight.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Bruce,
    Have you considered wearing at least a mask since you had respiratory problems a while back and there's lots of ash in this part of WA?

    Don't know about other folks, but for me, your recent pictures have really odd coloring and contrast.

    Keep healthy!
