Saturday, August 23, 2014


For whatever reason, cannot get pics off the camera onto the computer.  Have only a half dozen, but a couple are quite nice. 

Anyway, the travels continue...

First, let it be known that it is not possible for SAM and ME to Walk and Roll to North Carolina before the hard deep freeze of this Winter reaches into our Route.  I have been suggesting an early Winter AND a Deep Freeze for the past many months.  Farmer's Almanack has just agreed with me.

SAM and ME are at least two month's late to reach the Atlantic Ocean before Winter sets in.

The past two nights have been spent in the HOLIDAY INN, Couer d'Alene, Idaho.  I have NOT felt well since leaving PATEROS, Washington, and did not feel well this morning checking out of the Motel.

SAM and ME went forward anyway, walking and rolling North on US Route 95.  All told, I walked 7 hours before I stuck out my thumb.  One half hour later, PETER stopped in his Pick Up to give SAM and ME a ride.  By this time, I was feeling measurably better.

Peter drove SAM and ME to the town of PEND O'RIELLE, Idaho.

Motels are all full...anyway much beyond my means at $99.00 for the cheapest.

Have found PIZZA HUT, where this Blog update is being created.  Will walk and Roll to WALMART, only 1/4 mile distant, where I am told is a grassy space where transients spend the night in Sleeping Bags and Tents.  Will attempt to join them.

In the morning, plan to Walk and Roll North on US Route 95 towards the city of BONNERS FERRY...then on US Route 2 to KALISPEL, Montana and points East to the town of WOLF POINT, where we will take Montana Route 13...then 200S to I-94 at GLENDIVE, Montana.  We will then follow I-94 to the city of FARGO, North Dakota.

We will Walk and Roll as little as possible.

If we are to complete this crossing before Winter Cold sets in, we must receive lots of in the form of "hitch hiking" most of the way.

This entire TREK has been concocted for the purpose of raising some $1,500.00 to repair SPIA (1995 Mazda MPV)) which needs repair to it's Rear Main Engine Seal.  SPIA is in storage in PORTLAND, MAINE, in the middle of our "Figure 8" walk across - and around - America.  Began on January 02, 2014, 5 days after my Stents were installed inside my Heart, we have completed over 50% of our 11,000 Mile Trek.   My Cardiologist says I'm crazy; he also says my extreme walking is keeping me alive AND influencing hundreds (or more) around the Globe to follow my lead.  So, my fair Cardiaologist, who calls me ..."healthier than any 35 year old has a right to be..." to take my ass out of his hospital and do that which I do so well...WALK !

Our options are to walk to North Carolina, where we hang out for the Winter; then Walk and Roll back to BELLINGHAM...or, ... directly to PORTLAND, MAINE, to repair SPIA.  Should we take the Direct-to-PORTLAND, Maine option, SAM goes INSIDE SPIA while all three of us (SPIA, SAM and ME) will complete our "Figure 8" by heading to KEY WEST, back to CHICAGO...then return to our starting point at the PEACE ARCH, BLAINE, Washington. 

I know it is confusing.  Main certainty is that I keep walking...keep blogging, and remain healthy for our grand Finale:  Our  Walk and Roll from LISBON, Portugal to BEIJING, China.

Is now 6:00 pm.  Must POST this effort, walk and roll to WALMART to be certain of our sleeping spot on the grassy knoll.

In the morning, will aggressively "Thumb a Ride" as SAM and ME Walk and Roll onward...!

Yes, I suppose tomorrow may well bring a new surprise or so.  Just cannot imagine what that could be.


  1. Hey Bruce,

    You are one tough gentleman. Just like I tell everyone about our 4 kids, " Every day is new adventure".

    Keep your chin up, and keep walking..........

  2. So glad I got to meet you today! I hope the WalMart idea worked out. Stay safe!!!
