Monday, September 1, 2014


Today was a very unusual day in that SAM and ME did not walk.  Instead, we received a ride with OLE OLSON of SUNBURG, MN from the city of MORRIS, all the way to rhe city of WILMAR, MN...a distance of 53 miles.

PRAIRIE INN, MORRIS, MN, where we received a room courtesy of the MORRIS Police Department.

PRAIRIE INN, MORRIS, MN, where I stayed three years ago.

Route 9...

Please say HELLO to TIM...who gave me a ride from MORRIS to the city of BENSON, MN.

SAM was carried all the way from MORRIS to WILMAR, via BENSON.  OLE OLSON driving a small utility Sport Truck, carried SAM all the way to WILMAR.  I rode with OLE from BENSON to WILMAR.
In the rush to be visiting friends in WILMAR, I failed to take a photograph of OLE...sorry.

In WILMAR, OLE drove us to the POLICE Station where once again we have been given a room at a local Motel - compliments of the SALVATION ARMY.

In the morning, SAM and ME will Walk and Roll South on US Route 71 to US Route 14...then East to the city of ROCHESTER.

We have elected to use major secondary roads to enhance our chances to find rides quickly.

We are moving quite well when we find rides.  To beat the coming COLD weather, we must continue to do so.

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