Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Today SAM and ME traveled approximately 80 miles, of which we walked 3 times for some 6 hours.  We also received three from KURT, one from JACK, and one from TAMMY, delivering us to the MANKATO MALL, where we have taken a room at the QUALITY INN @ $59.00.

I walked hard, fast, far, while pushing SAM up some fair hills.

Last night, we stopped in at McDonald's to do our Blog update, and ended staying the night...yes, at McDonald"s.

It rained a good part of the night, but using SAM as center piece, I arranged our under-the-stars room so that we were snug and DRY all night.

The McD Maintenance Man, LOU, checked on us during the night ansd early morning hours...just to be certain we were cozy and safe.

Walking and Rolling today was mostly during steady rain downpour accompanied by a stiff head wind.  Yes, I was made to work extra hard to continue throughout the day.

I am pleased with our progress.  We must, howevery continue to press for rides and walk and roll in between so as to achieve the most miles each day.

Being caught by a Winter deep freeze before reaching the home of DALLAS in HURRICANE (near CHARLESTON), West Virginia, is not a cheerful thought.  DALLAS has e-mailed me that SAM and ME are welcome to spend the Winter with him if need be.

WHERE SAM and ME spent the night...using SAM to anchor our Camp Site, keeping ME and SAM comfy and dry.

Please say HELLO to LOU, McDonald Maintenance Man.  LOU kept a protective eye on SAM and ME...and chatted later as I took some breakfast before walking out of REDWOOD FALLS, Minnesota.

MURAL on the VFW Building in REDWOOD FALLS.  I am a member of the VFW in KEY WEST, Florida.

The town of MORGAN, Minnesota.  KURT met us along Route 67, driving us some 10 miles this morning.

Please say HELLO to JACK, who picked us up for ride number two.  Offering to drive us to the town of SLEEPY EYE, JACK took SAM and ME all the way to the city of NEW ULM.

The camera lens is sticking , not opening fully.  Believe condensation from being in my pocket (walking hard creates sweat, which penetrates the pocket of my reflective vest) causing the condensation to make the camera wet...even in 100 F. hot days.

Please say HELLO to TAMMY, who delivered SAM and ME to the city of MANKATO. where we are spending the night in luxury of a fine motel.

* * * * * * * * * *

In the morning, it is back to US Route 14 to make our way to the city of OWATONNA, where we change to Route 218 / 56 to the village of LE ROY.  We will then take US Route 63 into the State of Iowa, heading for the city of DUBUKE, where we enter the State of Illinois..


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