Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Reserving last night's motel ($41.00), we were told it was in the town of WEST ALEXANDRIA.

Today, SAM and ME walked and rolled from the Motel to the town of WOODMAN, some five miles BEYOND the city of DAYTON, Ohio, starting out at 7:30 am and arriving at our new motel (MICROTEL INN @ $56.00) at 5:30 pm, having walked 10 hours in the process.

We received one ride of a 5 minute duration, approximately 4 miles.  The remainder of day was walked at very high speed.  We did not stop to eat.  We took some 15 minutes out loading SAM and purchasing a drink and sandwich (which was eaten while creating this update).  While walking to the extreme - which I am achieving in the last couple days -to eat is not a priority.

We walked the entire way on US Route 35, a NEW Freeway-style roadway, but not restricted from walking.  The map shows Route 35 as a FREEWAY.  Much of Route 35  which takes us all the way to CHARLESTON, West Virginia, is depicted as FREEWAY.  I hope we can walk it, as it is much shorter than the Secondary Road options, is much safer to walk, and has considerably more traffic from which we might receive rides.

Today, I crossed the whole of DAYTON on the FREEWAY, crossing dozens of OFF and ON Ramps with not a single problem.

I PUSHED myself as two years ago.  I became a bit weary and foot sore, but never once over exerted myself. 

Arriving in our room in this first class International Motel, I soaked for one hour in HOT water bath steeped with Hair Conditioner, which leaves my skin soft, supple, and strain-free.  I WILL BE READY TO PUSH HARD AGAIN TOMORROW.

Leaving our "WEST ALEXANDRIA Motel at 7:30am.

US Route 35...still 2-lane at this point.

It was after walking 1.5 hours that we arrived at the VILLAGE of WEST ALEXANDRIA.  These towns claim a wide expanse of Real Estate.  Seeing a sign announcing the boundary of the "TOWN", often requires traveling 5 to 6 more miles to reach the actual VILLAGE.

Can be quite disappointing to walk another hour or so after thinking the VILLAGE is just around the next corner.


Next Village is NEW LEBANON, Ohio.

SAM and ME are still walking and rolling at top speed.  Hearing a vehicle coming up behind us, I turn to see if it is capable to carry SAM.  Without stopping, I give a left-handed THUMB, begging for a ride.  No such ride stopped for us today !


Please say HELLO to ASHLEY and STEVEN STRANGE, who carried SAM and on a five minute ride UP a steep hill as we approached the town of DREXEL, some 10 miles from down town DAYTON, Ohio.

It was a short ride, but very welcome to carry us UP the hill.

Please say HELLO to JEROME.

Please say HELLO to JAMES.

These two formed a Maintenance Crew on US Route 35 in the city of DAYTON.  I stopped to ask about finding a Motel nearby - two exits further on, said JAMES.  We chatted for a few minutes before they had to rush away,  JEROME gave me an introductory note to his friends in West help us on our way .  Thank you, JEROME.

* * * * * * * * * *

Here is hoping we can stay on Route 35 all the way to West Virginia.  ,

I am pleased my body is approaching top condition.  My leg tendons  need more strength, but I will be ready for the West Virginia Mountains when the time comes.

We have a new PRIORITY to work into our walk.  My Mother's Sister SHIRLEY, who has been following our blog for years, has entered an assisted living program, having been battling CANCER.  She is in VIRGINIA (must do some navigating to find her), but she has asked for me.  I will, of course, rush to her side as quickly as possible.

As now planned, I will stop at the home of DALLAS in HURRICANE (near CHARLESTON, West Virginia).  Respecting SHIRLEY's request, must cut my stay with DALLAS a bit short, but WILL stay at least a week or permitting.


  1. This is Margo, I met you today, pulled over with two small boys in the car outside New Lebanon. I would have loved to talk more and was sad Sam was too big for our car! The boys were not up for an afternoon drive, so I did not call. Hope the walk went well. We will follow your journey and you are always welcome to stop at our place in the future!
    This is Dan, Margo's partner. I am so glad she stopped to have a chat with you! I heard about it over dishes tonight, and it brightened my time. Your experiences are a reminder to me that there are so many ways to BE in this world. You and Sam will be in my thoughts.

  2. Just come my house if I am gone I will be back soon
    Dallas of wv
