Thursday, October 2, 2014


The three days recently  past have treated me to several longish forays into the low mountains - high hills - of West Virginia, connected by endless roadways - sometimes no more than narrow trails accepting one way traffic.  Yet, each flat spot...each narrow "Hollow"... accommodating a single track seemingly having been traveled just hours before by a wagon of two hundred years ago.

"Homes" popped out of the roadside brush...some no more than a lean-too of rough hewn timbers sagging under the weight of inattention for who knows how man years; next door, magnificent homes with lovingly attended properties stand in apparent denial of not so fortunate neighbors.

Like muffins in a baking tin, 1,000 foot hills radiate out from wherever one might find ones self, separated by narrow steep valleys struggling to keep the hills from joining together - mazes intent on confusing the not so wary visitors to this hidden home land of Hill Billies.
Where towns recently stood...home to isolated mountain folk... stand not even a foundation to suggest someone once lived here.

DALLAS' Sidekick, BUDDY...has taken to my lap a bit of the time.

Each roadway curve brings to life shadow and color of breath taking vistas

Around the next bend is often found yet another family or neighborhood cemetery...

...hidden deep in the hollows between hills reaching out to touch it's  neighbor.

Carefully tended for nearly a half century after the departure of the last nearby LOVEJOY home, DALLAS' Family Cemetery is a sparkling testament to the dedication by generations 0f LOVEJOYS.

DALLAS strolling through HIS Cemetery...yes, DALLAS carries Title to this land .

In death, LOVEJOY family members command the best of West Virginia views.

Track leading up the hill appears to have not changed much during the past many years.

Adjacent to LOVEJOY homestead lies LINCOLN COUNTY MUD RIVER Recreation Lake...boating, swimming and picnicking a stone throw away.

...  not to mention great BASS fishing.

Home of the Grandfather of FLORA, DALLAS' Sister In Law, who was caretaker for her Grandfather ADKINS until his passing.

,,,a frontal view ...

Grandfather ADKINS' Cemetery.

ADKINS Cemetery Reception Area.

Continuing deep into the West Virginia Western Mountains, DALLAS' guided his 2011 HONDA some 150 miles, visiting the area some 50 miles South and West of the city of CHARLESTON, City.

"HOLLOWs" actually do exist...



Living only 15 miles from HURRICANE, DALLAS and I have visited their home a number of times.

Headstone of ELIZABETH, Wife of DALLAS for 41 years.

* * * * * * * * * *

Have enjoyed tagging along with DALLAS activities in and around HURRICANE.  Cold weather is arriving this weekend.  Must make decision to continue to enjoy the hospitality of DALLAS - he has made it clear I am welcome to stay in his home - or cross into North Carolina for the Winter.

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