Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I have again failed in my desire to blog at least each week while wintering over in West Virginia.  SAM and ME are still with DALLAS in HURRICANE, some 30 miles West of the city of CHARLESTON on Interstate 64.

Most of our time is spent with DALLAS preparing his lawns and garden for the coming winter.

Must admit, however, that I have found ample time - on an almost daily basis, for with my  "girl" friend and dance partner, SALLY... attending dance classes, going to local evening dances, and practicing.  I had forgotten what emotions are present with a beautiful partner in your arms.  One may ask, ...but, can she dance?   During a recent dance in the city of MILTON, one friend exclaimed..."We have not seen dancing like THAT since High School days ."  I must agree.  For a couple of near Centurians, SALLY and I do OK.

I continue meeting new friends.  Have taken to attend a local  church, of which many are closely scattered among the back country West Virginia hills.  MY church serves a half dozen families living along the MUD RIVER, some 10 miles South of the city of MILTON ... and half way to the town of HAMLIN.  A "homey" group of members are led by local residents, including Sons of SALLY.

The hills of this part of West Virginia are ablaze with COLOR.  Two days ago, I was treated by SUZIE, SALLY's Daughter, to a tour by 4-wheeler side by side all terrain vehicle, into the high country of BUFFALO MOUNTAIN  RIDGE, dead-ending the many HOLLERS (narrow Valleys) reaching in all directions some 1,000 feet below.  As would be expected, the view from up there is breath taking

I regret I have no photos to upload at the moment.  Oh, I have taken lots of lovely pics, but yesterday as I was preparing to create this blog update in the living room of SALLY's modest home, I misplaced the CAMERA to COMPUTER electrical connecting cord.  Must find it - perhaps under the couch - or order a new one from PANASONIC.

 Set out on this walk to SAVE $$ to return to PORTLAND, Maine to retrieve and repair SPIA's Rear-Main Oil Leak.   Have a growing nest egg saved.  Am considering traveling by Bus to fetch SPIA.  With cautious administration of engine oil, should be able to drive to HURRICANE, West Virginia, repair her here, and have local transport in the event (somewhat likely) we remain in West Virginia longer than the planned Winter of 2014 - 2015 ... pleasing at least one lovely lady..

My health remains excellent.  Having a caring hand to hold is proving to be a psychological treasure.



  1. That is so wonderful! ! She is a lucky lady. I'm excited for you. :)

  2. What a blessing to hear about your new "friend" Sally. ; ) Sounds like she brings the youth out in you again. I was hoping you'd stay there for the time so that you and Dallas could keep each other company as it sounds like you get along well. But now it sounds like life has gone in another direction for you. I'm happy for you and hoping you'll stay even longer. : )

  3. I for one enjoying having Bruce help with my yard freind
