Sunday, December 21, 2014


11:30 Sunday morning in CULLODEN (Hurricane) is a sunny 40 F.  DALLAS and CAROL have done the hospital daily routine for DALLAS' Toe and taken in church in CAROL's neighborhood.  I'm dog sitting for Buddy.  Would rather be at SALLY's church, where I have been many times welcomed.  Being some 25 miles distant, however, is too far to walk in daylight...the Mud River Road being narrow winding without a side berm to escape passing vehicles.

Yesterday, attended DALLAS' Seventh Day Adventist church at East Pea Ridge, where we enjoyed an after-service Christmas Dinner/Lunch...visiting with old friends who have lived at some distant past in or near my birthplace, SEATTLE, Washington State.

Last evening, attended the local CULLODEN OPRY Christmas Dance and Dinner with some 200 local folks.  BETTY was there with  her acclaimed Fruit Jello Dessert.  Was appeased by BETTY accepting to dance with me during the entire 7 to 11 PM evening.  BETTY made convincingly clear that we remain close friends...but no chance for future co-habitation.  My foolishness in reacting to her..."..we do it my way...(and)...I told you I needed help and time to find 'TRUST' "... by packing my bag (for the third time ).  Calling my bluff, BETTY drove me back to DALLAS' home with vehement anger ending our short relationship.  

On the Eastern side of the OHIO RIVER and bounded by the ancient ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS, the Northern end of which continue into Arctic wastes of SCANDINAVIA (EUROPE), lie the hills and valleys of WEST VIRGINIA.  In this rugged countryside live the folks with whom I have resided since arriving late October 2014.  Accepted with open arms by one and all, I quickly learned that
knowing one meant becoming known to a far reaching community of family and friends.  Up and down the hidden HOLLOWS (Hollers - Valleys) leading to delightful small villages and large towns - cities, actions and utterances one moment became common knowledge seemingly moments later.

Fiercely proud and protective of generations of life in the forested hills and valleys, newcomers are welcomed with lyrical - near musical - local dialect smilingly ignoring traditional "good" grammar, accusing visitors speaking with strong difficult-to-understand foreign accents.  One listens closely and heeds body language to "get it"; so as not to be misunderstood...or to misunderstand.

I confess to shirking my goal to blog (share) that which I see, hear, and learn.   My quick invitation and absorption into intimate personal and family life completely overwhelmed me.  Not that I feel need to apologize...but the adoration, intimacy and pleasures of the moment leaped to become my first priority.  In difference to those who have become dear to me, restraint in sharing details has been paramount.

* * * * * * * * * * *

...and so, SAM and ME are once again alone.

We hold this place and these people close to our heart.  I have been granted a special gift to be welcomed, loved, and cherished...a gift rare for one so old, so unknown, and so desperate to be accepted.

I know not what lies before SAM and ME.   It is our hope that our pride in those who have received and taken us in... is reciprocal.

Friday, December 19, 2014


Friday, December 19, 2014:   SAM and ME are once again back in the home of Dallas Lovejoy, in the town of HURRICANE, West Virginia.  Significant events have occurred including the slamming and locking of the gates on my dancing partner, Sally, (by Claude, long-time lover and jailer) and new dancing partner, Betty, who's invitation that I take up residence with her in her home in SAND POINT, Ohio, removed me from circulation for a bit.

Well, I'm back.  Dallas has a delightful new girlfriend, Carol, who has moved in to become his Care Giver for the next six weeks - at the minimum - while Dallas goes through daily hospital treatments to treat the infected toe bone of his left foot.  Lucky for me, Dallas has welcomed me back to my old room and Carol and I have seemingly found comfy places in our new-found small family.

My co-habitation with Betty (@ $500.00 per month) turned out to be an immediate challenge for both of us.  Living alone for years, each of us became somewhat fixed in how things should be done.  With Betty in the $$ driver seat, boiling down to ...we'll do it my way or NO way.  Stupidly, I packed my bag one time too many, finding myself on the outside looking in.  I walked some 27,000 miles to find Betty to hold my hand...and to be held in her arms.  I blew it.  I simply forgot that it takes time...MUCH earn TRUST...and WHEN IN ROME DO AS THE ROMANS DO.

In two days WINTER arrives.  Cold Wet (SNOWY) Days will be upon this corner of West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky on Christmas Eve.,,four days from today.  As much as I deeply appreciate Dallas' generosity, I would accept an invitation to return to being the FLY in Betty's WEB.

In the mean time, I will accompany Dallas and Carol to MILTON's Friday night dance as well as the Saturday night dance here in CULLODEN (A bedroom community for the city of HURRICANE, West Virginia). 

Riding with Dallas in his HONDA to a family dinner with his Sister in Law, FLORA, living near the Mud River Dam and Park some 40 miles South West of HURRICANE, West Virginia.

FLORA's home sits astride one of the steep West Virginia hills.

Dallas - center - and SALLY - Top right - in Sally's family church.  I have been prohibited from phoning Sally (by Claude), but discovered her alone at church, where we shared a moment.  No further contact has been with my former dance partner.

MILTON VFW POST, where Dallas and I enjoyed a Dinner honering America's military veterans.

Mud River Road on the way to FLORA's home near Mud River Dam and Park.

Looking back North from Flora's home.

Dallas about to announce our "early" arrival for dinner.

DALLAS and Sister in Law, FLORA, widow of the Brother of Dallas.  FLORA asked me if I could live in such she has for some fifteen years.   I smiled and said ...

Dallas, and Flora with her Son, "BUTCH" and his "Significant Other", SALINA.

SALINA and Daughter (with Butch), KYIA.

SARAH, 14 year old Daughter of Salina, from her prior marriage.

DALLAS at the Reunion of the CNR Railroad...I was kindly invited.

Yes, we do like pics of old barns.

Today, Friday December 19, 2014, HURRICANE Senior Citizens held their Christmas Luncheon.  Dallas rushed from his morning hospital appointment to pick me up - at his home - so we could enjoy the moment.  The Mayor and his staff were present - with gifts for each Senior - and remained to dine with us.  THANK YOU for your thoughtfulness.  WENDY's Restaurant was also present to serve the sit-down lunch

Based on individual income, donations are suggested...ranging from $1.50 to $4.00 or so.  Visitors are always welcome at the Senior Center events.  ALL communities in and around the Tri-State area of West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky have similar Senior Centers.  Dancing Class for SALLY and ME was at the HUNTINGTON, West Virginia Senior Center.


Director JOY.  Hyper Active, JOY has melded a fun friendly active group of seniors.

Senior Center Kitchen, where all meals are prepared and served.  Near 75 Meals On Wheels are also prepared in this kitchen for Seniors unable to get to the Center.

HURRICANE Mayor EDWARDS and staff, who came bearing gifts and joined for our Christmas Lunch.

PUTNAM COUNTY SHERIFF passing out gifts.

TIM, WENDY's Restaurant Staff, who served Seniors and honored guests at the HURRICANE Senior Center Christmas Luncheon.

...and this is Dinner...Baked  Honey HAM, cold PASTA SALAD, Butter STRING BEANS,  DINNER ROLL, and Yummy APPLE PIE...with Coffee, Tea - Hot and Iced - Milk and Water...

...Not to forget the daily tray of fresh Donuts and Sweet Pastries..

* * * * * * * * * *

In truth, my two months here in the Tri-State has been filled with unforgettable moments and unforgettable new friends.  No less than five times I have been welcomed with..."...sent in answer to my prayers..."...a humbling yet confusing message.  I fear I have failed in some eyes, including my own.  I am not at all certain what has been expected of me.  I even stood before SALLY's Church Members asking for guidance. 

Try as I might, I come up short...still, liking myself and begging those dear to me to try doing the same for themselves.

Yes, I am miserable  ...but determined....

Saturday, December 6, 2014


Must once again apologize for the unfortunate absence of our blog update for the past many days.  My computer was attacked by multiple virus - probably for visiting sites not recommended -, causing me to ship it back to my computer guru, Darrel, owner of The Virus Buster, in Bellingham, Washington.  Received the computer back yesterday, working like a new machine.  Darrel may be reached at 360-676-7501.

I have, in recent days, moved to the home of Betty M., a "fixer upper" in transition, where I have lent my hand and back to help with finishing touches.  Still, I am watching over Dallas, who, though fighting off some recurring medical events, is pleased to have cold weather arrive shortly after "we" completed essential outdoor projects.

Have only limited walking opportunity in recent weeks.

Me?   Am of sound body, mind, and spirit. Others may question that statement, but my take is the important one. 

Flu is making the rounds here in the Tri-State (Ohio-Kentucky-West Virginia) region.  Expect my good health will protect me from catching anything...Last Flu Shot was back in 1963.  Have given my body the job of warding off transgressors.  So far, So good.