Saturday, December 6, 2014


Must once again apologize for the unfortunate absence of our blog update for the past many days.  My computer was attacked by multiple virus - probably for visiting sites not recommended -, causing me to ship it back to my computer guru, Darrel, owner of The Virus Buster, in Bellingham, Washington.  Received the computer back yesterday, working like a new machine.  Darrel may be reached at 360-676-7501.

I have, in recent days, moved to the home of Betty M., a "fixer upper" in transition, where I have lent my hand and back to help with finishing touches.  Still, I am watching over Dallas, who, though fighting off some recurring medical events, is pleased to have cold weather arrive shortly after "we" completed essential outdoor projects.

Have only limited walking opportunity in recent weeks.

Me?   Am of sound body, mind, and spirit. Others may question that statement, but my take is the important one. 

Flu is making the rounds here in the Tri-State (Ohio-Kentucky-West Virginia) region.  Expect my good health will protect me from catching anything...Last Flu Shot was back in 1963.  Have given my body the job of warding off transgressors.  So far, So good.

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