Saturday, May 2, 2015


SPIA is back with SAM and ME from spending one year in storage in Portland, Maine.

The result of an incredible journey from Culloden, West Virginia by automobile to Columbus, Ohio, where I flew "Standby" to Baltimore, Maryland...thence again "Standby" to Portland, Maine.  A 10 minute TAXI ride delivered me to SPIA's parking garage.  Both flights were at the courtesy of Mike, Son In Law of Sally.  Thank you, Mike.

The parking garage offered SPIA's one year parking without cost.  Thank you, John.

I found SPIA with a dead battery.  A cell phone call to Triple A  ("AAA")  resulted in SPIA running like a new car in 10 minutes after a "BOOST" and electronic checkup...all at no cost, as I am a AAA custoimer for many years.

Driving out of the parking garage, I had to deal with a missing rear side window and a "TRASHED" interior...the handiwork of a sloppy THIEF who broke into SPIA, stealing my electronics (Inverter, charging equipment, GPS) , tool box, and other stuff, leaving the interior of SPIA a shambles saturated with glass splinters from the window being ripped from the car.

Visiting the local Portland MALL, purchased some items from SEARS, including 10 quarts of oil to feed the rear main seal oil leak.  The leak used one quart every `100 miles...just enough to get "home" to West Virginia.  Treated myself to a yummy dinner with wine...then slept in SPIA parked in the Portland Mall truck parking area.

Up before daylight, was driving South on I-95, Deadheading to West Virginia.  Planned to stop in a number of scenic  places along the way, but quickly realized SPIA needed to get home before risking losing the rear main seal completely. 

Crossing Manhattan, New York City, took three hours in the biggest traffic jam I ever experienced.

Kept driving to Washington D.C., where I exited I-95 on I-495.  Continued on I-66 to I-81, where I stopped at 11:30 (midnight)...then at 6:00 AM, continued South to I-64...thence to Hurricane, West Virginia, arriving as prayers were being given for the noon Senior Center lunch.

Entire round trip took 49 hours 30 minutes, including two night sleeps inside SPIA. 

Sorry for not stopping for photographs as promised.  Was anxious to return "home" to Sally  Her welcome was pleasant.  We have danced the time away since.  Actually, Sally has taken off "my" ring, setting our relationship back a wee bit.  I am intent on success, however, eventually spending our better years together.

The Tri-State region of OHIO, KENTUCKY and WEST VIRGINIA is the unlucky home for massive DRUG activities.  Daily murders and drug elated arrests occur on the TV News channels.  The above paper is all too true !

SPIA with ripped out side window.  Thief crawled inside, trashing everything and stealing some considerable $$$ worth of tools and electronics.

Massive Traffic JAM approaching the George Washington Bridge as we crawl our way out of Manhattan, New York City.

Sally's Daughter SUZY and husband Mike, taking delivery of their newly purchased Excavator.  Mike is starting work on building their new home in CHERRY HOLLOW.  Have offered to assist, if Mike can find his way to trust this old soul to be of some help.

Excavator being loaded for the short trip to CHERRY HOLLOW...

...continuing below...

Tie-down detail.

On the way to a new adventure.

* * * * * * * * * *

Me, Too;  the SAGA continues.

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