Sunday, July 12, 2015

POST 1460; BELLINHAM, WA.; JULY 11, 2015

Ten months it has been since settling in with my friend Dallas in West Virginia.  The past 1.5 months has seen us travel to Portland, Maine to fetch SPIA, our 1995 MAZDA MPV...then to The Outer Banks of North Carolina...then cross the USA to my recent home of Bellingham, Washington.

Following is a photographic rendition of highlights of these journeys.

Please say HELLO to my friend Linda Hooper, Mother in Waiting for the community of WAVE (Outer Banks), descendent of original homestead families.  Meals are always ready to serve at Linda's home

...such as this Sunday After-Church Dinner for three members of DADE COUNTY CHALLENGE...a church sponsored live-in program for young folks caught up in local drug addictions.

LIFEBOAT Community Church of Wave, Outer Banks, North Carolina.

2.5 years ago Hurricane IRENE devastated the Outer Banks.  I volunteered my efforts for 8 - months, cleaning 6 miles of Highway 12, tearing down Black Mold affected homes...then rebuilding them...; painting the rebuilt church, and setting up the Food Bank;  the island was, you see , inundated by 5.5 feet of water, effectively destroying homes, businesses and churches

Rental homes are built on stilts some 20 feet into the avoid flooding.  Local folks have little income resulting in their homes ( and businesses) subject to flooding nearly every year. 

Columbia,North Carolina, where dear friend Karen lived before her death 1.5 years ago.  Husband Craig still considers me "family" with " MY " room always ready when I come I did this trip.

Local wines are offered from this delightful bistro only one block from Craig's home on the banks of the SCAPPERNONG River in Columbia, North Columbia.


Home of my Lady, Sally on Cherry Lane in the HOLLOW off the Mud River.

Sally (r.) and daughter Suzy, who lives next door to Sally.


Wedding of JASON and JENNY, attended from family as far away as Arizona.

Sally (r.) and Grand Daughter Sally Ann, visiting from Arizona.

Wedding Party.

Please say HELLO to Jenny and Jason.

Guest Sign-In Tree.

Suzy and Mike entertaining with some light shoe dancing .

Dan Davis of Haggarstown, Indiana, where I spent the night after an evening of reacquaintences with 50 or so of Dan's friends and family.

Haggarstowm city Wall Murals.

Haggarstown residential street.  SPIA is parked front and center.

Long Time Friend and employee of Dan's construction company.  This young AMISH man has been recently promoted to Project Manager

Following images are of America as we cross the Great Plains and Mountains to Bellingham, Washington.

Columbia River at Bridgeport, Washington... home of delightful family of ...

ANNA, LANIE, and little brother.  Last year I stayed overnight with them.  This year I kept on to the town of Pateros, where I spent the night sleeping in SPIA.

Picnic for the Children's Summer Bible Study Camp.

Crossing the North Cascade Mountain Pass, some 150 miles East of Bellingham,

* * * * * * * * * *

Have enjoyed helping friend Bob Young - Bob helped me construct SAM - move into his new ( Old) home, where I had to apply myself to clear away up to ten feet tall berry vines and thorny vines covering the new property.  Two days hence, SPIA and ME will once again say Good Bye to Bellingham, returning to the roads of America.

1 comment:

  1. Bruce,
    Thanks so much for all those great photos. Happy trails, as your journey continues across America, and more new, and old friends.

    Have a safe journey...........
