Sunday, July 26, 2015


The "Flying Leap" taken by SPIA yesterday has resulted in a major new direction for our walk and ride.  SPIA and ME have turned around, driving back to Bellingham.  Friends in West Virginia and North Carolina will have to wait a bit longer.

FIRST ME :  Although I was NOT injured physically in our incident.  I did go into SHOCK some three hours later and continue a bit shaky today.  Even so, I chose to bypass medical advice until I see my personal Doctor back in Bellingham.

NEXT SPIA :   Upon early cursory inspection by LES SCHAWAB of Idaho Falls, has identified one front shock absorber to be broken, with the mounting plate of the second shock absorber to be bent.  Replacement parts are not immediately available, but may be found second hand from a wrecking yard.  SPIA is fully and safely drivable.  Driving her with front end misalignment MIGHT cause undue wear on the tread of the front tires.

DECISION:   It is not prudent to continue driving a damaged SPIA some 2,000 miles to the East Coast at this moment.  It is not prudent to conduct a tour of YELLOWSTONE just now ... even though we were already in Yellowstone.  My heart would not be in it and SPIA could receive further damage in any off-road travel.

ACTION:  Bob Young has welcomed me back into his home (Oh, Boy ... I get to finish up the remaining work).  It is now 6:00 PM.  Driving all day, includIng two half-hour naps, we are settled in at LOVE's Truck Stop in the city of ONTARIO, Oregon. 

* * * * * * * * * * 

In the morning, we will continue on I-84, I-82, I-90, and finally I-5 back to Bellingham.
First up will be to visit my doctor for a look see.  Repair of SPIA is next up.

Will report here of our progress.

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