Friday, November 6, 2015

POST 1474; HAWKS NEST, WV; NOV.06, 2015

Please say HELLO to Dallas and Mrs. Lovejoy, who met and married within the past month or so.

87 year old Mrs. (Roseanne) quickly made it understood that as his NEW wife, my services were no longer needed or desired.  Consequently, I bid my old friend and benefactor (Dallas) good luck and GOOD  BYE, ending one year of pleasant relationship tending to his care from advancing Diabetes and bringing his 1.5 acre property to "Park" status.

Two days ago, with SAM snugged inside SPIA, we once again embarked on our continuing saga on the roadways of America.  Initial route:  Outer Banks of North Carolina; thence West to Mississippi; thence New Orleans...Texas Gulf Coast...New Mexico...Bakersfield...Oregon Pacific Coast...eventually reaching Bellingham, Washington...with ETA in late 2016.

My home (Dallas') for the past 14 months.

Typical attitude for MANY local residents..."...if someone crosses me, I'll blow them away..." (or something similar).  Found only recently that many new acquaintences I met were "packing" at the time I met them.

The home with the Second Amendment protection...not far from the home of Dallas.

Say HELLO to another form of "protection"...a friendly nearby neighbor.

US 60 near Charleston, West Virginia, heading into the Allegheny Mountains which we will cross (walking - supported by SPIA, our 1995 MAZDA in which I will sleep for the next 5,000 miles or so).

Crossing America on bicycle.

One of many small villages as we climb into the West Virginia mountains.

SPIA - our vehicle - is used thus:

     Today's destination is, for example 25 miles.  Will park SPIA in a secure location and walk 5 miles toward our destination.  Will then walk BACK to fetch SPIA, having walked a total of 10 miles in the process.

Then drive SPIA the 10 miles just walked...park  and walk again; repeating the process to our destination...stopping for interesting places to visit, photograph, and chat with locals.  SAM is inside SPIA, available and ready to join me in our walk and roll.

Kanawha River at Glen Ferris, West Virginia; a particularly beautiful and historic Village on Route 60 some 30 miles East of Charleston (50 mies from the home of Dallas).

The river is blocked shore to shore by swift flowing water cascading over a low reef of rock.

I cheated a bit by driving through the metropolitan parts of US 60 so as to reach the Glen Ferris INN, where we have stayed a couple times in our previous crossings through West Virginia.  Management, of course, remembered our prior visits and permitted us to park (and sleep in SPIA) overnight, enjoying their usual excellent cuisine...; Italian Pasta Dish in the evening and hot Oat Meal in the morning, accompanied by delightful Kim on her way to a job interview (from her home in Maryland).

The Kanawha River viewed from Glen Ferris River flowing along side the parking lot.

Glen Ferris INN.

Tourist sign - as found through out the USA South East -

SPIA (1995 MAZDA MPV - with 280,000 plus miles).  SAM is in there with my "bed" snugged up tight next to her.

Kanawha River flows - Roaring - over the shore to shore waterfall / dam where is located a small water-generated power plant.

US 60 passing through Glen Ferris Village.

Typical style homes facing US 6 and the Kanawha River.  If I were to choose West Virginia to live, Glen Ferris would be a high option on choices of villages.

Gauley Bridge at the confluence of the NEW River and the GAULEY Rivers...see below ...

Please say HELLO to PAT, local GAULEY City Police.

 Hillside (looking North West) behind GAULEY Village.

 Officer Pat at work

 Misting waters crossing the Kanawha River...on my return walk to fetch SPIA.  From here, we climb the 8 percent US 60 which is 12 miles of "hairpin" turns of narrow picturesque roadway on our way to HAWKS NEST STATE PARK, where we plan to stay the night...or perhaps two nights.

Manager STEVE has welcomed us two times on our earlier crossings of the Allegheny mountains.  Will be pleased to see Steve once again.

 Front entrance of Glen Ferris INN. 

 10 mile climb from the Kanawha River Gauley Bridge up steep US 60 to HAWK NEST STATE PARK.

 NEW River as viewed from HAWKS NEST LODGE, where I will occupy Room 216; deluxe room with the same view at $40.00.

Manager Steve has invited me as his guest for evening dinner in the Restaurant...also looking down on the NEW River far below.

Visible in the far distance is the famous NEW RIVER GORGE BRIDGE spanning 3,033 feet in length, sporting four traffic lanes some 876 feet above the river water. From this point Bungie Jumpers regularly jump.

 * * * * * * * * * *

 As I am in no big rush on this journey, will see what interesting sights we can find as we continue to Craig's home in Columbia, North Carolina, sharing via our blog as we go.

Am pleased to be back on the open road once again.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back, Bruce.

    Nice to see that you are "Back on The Road Again". Have a wonderful Journey. It will be nice to follow your blogs again, after all this time. :)
