Thursday, December 10, 2015

POST 1493; ALPINE, TEXAS; 12-10-15

Our route today took us from DEL RIO to the town of ALPINE ... where we are once again putting our Blog update at PIZZA HUT.

We did see LAKE AMISTAD today, but alas, no RIO GRANDE RIVER.  We WILL see the River when we reach EL PASO in a day or two, as we have walked EL PASO four years ago.

We had a super treat today.  We visited the village of LANGTREE and the HOME and OFFICE of JUDGE ROY BEAN.

Please say HELLO to "CINCO", whom we met last night at the PIZZA HUT in DEL RIO.

Cinco was very helpful in reading the local maps and pointing out places where we could drive to visit the RIO GRANDE RIVER.  That side trip is nearly 300 miles.   Would also like to visit the ALAMO ... alas, our $12.00 daily BUDGET will not support either option.

It is going to be touch and go to stretch our $$ until January 03, 2016 Social Security Payday.

LAKE AMISTAD as we drive US 90 leaving DEL RIO.

... and another view of the Lake, taken from behind the steering wheel at 60 miles per hour.

Rail and vehicle bridges crossing over Lake Amistad.

US 90, heading West by North West.

Local SHERIFF pulled us over as I momentarily crossred the White Painted Line.  We had a good conversation about illegal immigrants and one funny encounter he had resulting in the illegals running away ... then swimming the river to the Mexican side where our Sheriff received the "Bird".

Images progressing around a curve clearly showing the "layer cake" effect of millions of evolutionary years.

... finishing with spectacular image ... very likely from sediment laid down during a CLIMATE CHANGE.  I can envision a deep water change over eons to achieve such a large (deep) change.

Now for our visit to the old West Town of LANGTREE and it's famous resident JUDGE ROY BEAN...the LAW West Of The PECOS RIVER.

Tourist Information Center, Langtree, Texas.

JUDGE BEAN's Home / Court House ... seen in the distance.

...and close up.

JUDGE BEAN's home is the half to our Right.

The Court Room occupies the half to our Left.

Old West Wind Mill ... to pump water from a hand-dug well.

As an aside, be it known that I participated in hand digging three separate water wells when I was a wee bairn.

The private home - one single room - of Judge Roy Bean.  The second room of his home was the infamous Court Room.

Following are images of Jydge BEAM's actual Court Room furnishings.

Oil Lamp on a small shelf next to the Bar.

View from one side through to the opposite side of the Court Room.

Wood Burning Pot Belly Stove.

Bench to provide Court Room Seating - in addition to the Table and 4 Chairs.

The BAR from which Western Justice was administration.

Judge BEAN's "other" business was his Saloon; the Bar doing double duty.

Click to enlarge.

Phicture of Lilly Langtree hangs above JUDGE BEAN's head.

World Famous LILLY LANGTREE...cherished by JUDGE BEAN.

Another aside:  I too had Lilly Langtree in my life.  Never met her personally, but she was present by a "stand in" twice a year for some 20 years of my life !

Can anyone identify this machine ?   It is prominently displayed on the Bar.

JUDGE BEAN's Courtroom.

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Say HELLO to SUSY, CURATOR of the museum.


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