Saturday, December 19, 2015

POST 1499; YUMA, AZ; 12-19-2015

One week tomorrow since my Wisdom Tooth Extraction procedure.

No, I am NOT fully recovered. 

Would prefer to return for post-extraction evaluation, however ...

Instead, we will say Good Bye to Fred and Barb, with heartfelt appreciation for their kindness, including our week stay in their beautiful comfy Mobile Home.

From YUMA, we will travel to the PACIFIC OCEAN COAST California Highway number 1, heading to US Highway 101 by way of the Golden Gate Bridge ... then on to the Redwood Forest National Park.

On to Oregon, we plan to travel to the Straits Of Juan de Fuca at the extreme North West Corner of the United States before reaching Bellingham, Washington once again.

We will have truly reached the four distant corners of the Lower 48 States...
...not to mention crossings of every which way ... Horizontal...Vertical..Diagonal...and degrees in between, documented by nearly 1,400 blog updates pictured and narrated some 40,000 times.

Oh, yes;  ... with at least one circumnavigation !

* * * * * * * * * *

OH, for a loving caring hand to hold ...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bruce,
    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, and safe travels towards California, and points beyond.
