Saturday, January 16, 2016


We have once gain met with unwanted challenge(s) ... all having to do with our desire to help others

Of the 4+ years walking, we Volunteered eight months to help County and Residents of the OUTER BANKS, North Carolina to help recover from HURRICANE IRENE.  Details of our efforts are posted in prior blog updates, which included loss of SPIA's transmission.  We replaced the loss with a USED transmission @ something more than $2,500.00.  That transmission is now giving us fits , and may preclude continuing our SAGA.

We just concluded one year fulfilling the request of DALLAS to "care take" him and his home / property upkeep to - as DALLAS puts it -  stay alive in his battle against DIABETES.

It has been our pleasure to be of help to others, for which we have not suggested nor received  consideration.  MANY, however, have helped along the way ... for which SAM, SPIA and ME are forever grateful

We set out some 5 years ago to see if an old man with NO assets and without formal outside assistance could not only survive, but somehow contribute to society.

We have succeeded beyond our wildest visibility, as shared by virtue of this Blog's testament.

We must now face reality.  We have "donated" something in excess of $10,000.00 from my personal Line of Credit with American Express (Balance due is in excess of $5,000.00)... and are faced with maintenance demands of SPIA ... for which funds are not immediately available.

Do not jump to conclusions ...

This missive is NOT an appeal or plea for any but understanding of limitations incumbent upon our continued effort(s).  We WILL continue (!) albeit a bit constrained ...

We have REFUSED ALL "entitlements" from Uncle SAM  - such as FOOD STAMPS, etc.

SOCIAL SECURITY is our ONLY income since 1995 ... a so-called entitlement ...  (NOT SO:  I have paid my SOCIAL SECURITY since I obtained my Social Security Card at the age of nine (9) years old).  Our Government has "misappropriated" my SSC. while charged to invest, protect and make it available to me in my old age.  Social Security is NOT AN ENTITLMENT.  SSC is MY MONEY, invested since 1944 for care by Uncle SAM ... this promised by President ROOSEVELT and our CONGRESS.



SEATTLE, Washington, USA ... The city of my birth ... on my MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER's Dining Room Table ... (Yes, I visited that stately home on CAPITAL HILL, expressing appreciation to the current owners for allowing ME a private moment in the room of my birth.

SKAGIT RIVER VALLEY - with our Volcano Mount BAKER in center distance - some 100 miles distant - Purported to be the largest concentration of commercial TULIPs outside of the country of HOLLAND.

We will shortly visit the city of LA CONNER, Washington ... a "destination" by vehicle or yacht.


Images taken while driving, so may be a bit katiwampus.

LA CONNER CHANNEL ...SHIP CANAL connecting upper PUGET SOUND with that part of Central PUGET SOUND lying East of America's Second Largest Island ... WHIDBEY ISLAND.

Cross over the bridge to reach the local Indian village.

A 40 - Foot Yacht ... twin of PAUL G's Yacht which he rescued and reconstructed after being severely burned in the BELLINGHAM Shipyard fire.

  As an Historical Note ... This factory built many of the SOUTH VIETNAM River Boats  which fought in that unpopular War.

LA CONNER, Washington

LA CONNER Homes on the cliff overlooking the City and Canal.

Downtown LA CONNER on a wintry "off" Tourist day.

SEATTLE comes into view from I-5.


* * * * * * * * * *

Will visit my SON, RONALD in the City of FEDERAL WAY, Washington this evening.  Battling DIABETIS, Ron has , as have so many, for many years, been battling DIABETES.  We both are eager to spend some time together.

We may go on to visit my Daughter, MONICA, living near BURNS, Oregon.  Among many achievements, MONICA has for years maintained the buildlngs of the MALHUER RESERVE recently invaded by gun toting farmers.  Monica was working at the Preserve Buildings when the perpetrators arrived to take control of the Preserve.  Monica was allowed to peacefully leave, but had to leave her personal equipment.

Monica has little time for such antics, so has gone on to execute one of her other non-related social responsibilities.


  1. I have a new pacemaker now recovering
    I have appointment feb 11 with my knee dr good luck

  2. I've paid in taxes for many years now and have no problem helping folks out with food stamps. I don't wish to see older Americans hungry. I enjoy your posts and look forward to receiving them. You are giving us so much as you share your life. I understand pride, but as I age I understand that pride can be a detriment to a good life. Please reconsider food stamps. America is a caring country and wants its seniors to be as healthy as possible. Accept the gift of food stamps. Stay safe and prosper.

  3. Diane Crockett - lady at LaPushTuesday, January 19, 2016 at 11:55:00 AM PST

    Looking forward to your post on Burns and Malhuer - one of Steve and my favorite areas! Diane Crockett
