Monday, January 2, 2017

January 02, 2017; Bellingham, Washington

Bitter cold  has settled over the Pacific Northwest.  My new Sleeping bag has made the inside of SPIA tolerable.

Many hours have been spent in front of the GEEK Squad Table to relearn how to use my new computer.  Seems much of the knowledge I took for granted the many prior years has eroded and been lost.    To create this simple sentence is taking many minutes of intense concentration.  The Geek Squad has invested some 15 hours over the past week or so at $70.00 (value) per hour and still I struggle.

Even so, SAM and SPIA are prepared to leave BELLINGHAM this week.   I plan to push SAM in short spurts of ten miles or so, before returning to SPIA ..... thence driving forward some 20 miles before parking for the night.  In this way our Walk and Roll will progress some 140 miles forward each week.

In keeping with my desire to help others as we cross America, we will always stop as we encounter the needs or opportunities to help others.

As a measure of my progress to create / update this blog, it has taken two hours so far.  I certainly look forward to do much better as we go forward.


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