Sunday, May 30, 2010

Gresham, Ore

Sitting in the rain under the open back door of the van...It

Today was asmashing success for our new logistics. Worked just as I planned. Choose Fred Meyer Parking lot as our destination, where we all (Van, Trailer with SAM and Mogtorcycle inside for ;he night. Have used the APU (generator) to top off SAMs batteries. so we are ready to roll in the morning.

Route is Gresham on Route 26 up the Mt. Hood highway to Mt Hood Village, an RV Resort 26 miles out. We will encounter our first real hills tomorrow.

SAM performed beautifully today. We walked 16 miles with no problems...even i kept pace with SAM.

Spent a long time reorganizing the Van & Trailer so i could set up the air mattress in the Van. Must work that out better for tomorrow night. Seems I, as usual, brought along too much stuff and have difficulty finding a place for everything.

Had a super meal from Fred Myer kitchen. Couple guys stopped by to chat & threatened to bring the media (paper & TV) from Gresham to intercept me tomorrow...we shall see...been down that road before.

In any event,..SAM is fed & trucked in. I am well fed to bursting and about to tuck in too


  1. Glad to hear you are dry and indoors for the night on this drizzly day. Sounds like the new system is working well for you. Thane and I spent 3 1/2 hours in the back of a BIG van today, the Red Cross ERV (Emergency Response Vehicle) down at Fairhaven for the Ski to Sea festival. We were there to let people see some of what Red Cross does. Fun, drizzly day!

  2. Bruce, I've seen every blog entry and enjoy reading about your progress. Liked seeing the pic and hope you will have more of the places you'll see. Good thing you're getting all the kinks out while you're still close to home. Keep on trekking!
