Monday, May 31, 2010

5-Star Camp Site ???

Well, SAM & ME made it from Gresham to Mt. Hood Village...which turns out to be a 5-Star Mobil Home Resort, Tent, and Yurt playground.

What is a Yurt? A Yurt is a single round room; it is about 15 feet diameter, about 12 feet high with a skylight in the center. Inside is a couch/bed, two chairs, four folding tables, electrical outlets and two marine-style wall lights. I believe it originated in the Gobi Dessert.

Upon our arrival at the Village. they plugged SAM into their electrical outlets at the front Office. Me, they escorted me to the Fitness room. Fitness room is a first class body pampering center, including showers, steam Room, Hot Tub built to hold at least 15, a well appointed swimming pool with warm water and a Exercise Room to equal a Carnival Cruise Ship (yes, I have been on a Carnival Cruise)

Manager says...$5.00 for Guests, $4.00 for Seniors, Members are free, as are walkers to Key West.

After completing 25 grueling miles today with SAM, I welcomed a bit of pampering. I sit in my Yurt on one of the 2 chairs at one of the 4 folding tables, trying not to fight this itsy bitsy excuse for a computer. Skin still tingles from the Fitness Room experience.

SAM performed again today like her ole' magical self. I had to run to keep up with her on the many steep long hills leading out of Gresham to Sandy, Oregon. SAMs RED battery pack normally lasts 7 hours. Today, it gave up the ghost after 4 hours. The hills take a lot of electrons to climb.

Tomorrow,. we climb in earnest up to the "road" summit of Mt. Hood. It is only 15 miles, but very steep. I Will strip ALL things out of SAM to lighten her up. Then, I will look for wide spots in the road well short of the summit. Upon arrival at these weigh-stations, will take a hour or so to top off SAMs batteries with the Generator. The Sun might shine..if so, SAM will be fed electrons on the fly..

One way or another, we WILL crest Mt. Hood tomorrow...Mother Nature willing.

Did NOT sleep well in the Van last night. Kept getting severe leg cramps which bounced me off the roof. Tonight, plan to make up for that.

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