Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Climb A Mountain

And here we sit...in the rain on top of Mt. Hood, Oregon.

If there was any doubt about SAMs abilities, today's climb up the 6% hills up the
west slope of this volcano has dismissed them all. SAM scorched the roadway for 4 hours at a good 5 mph for over 15 miles. I was running to keep up. Imagine...running after an electric cart up and up and up...got tons of "honks" from passing motorists.

And ME...I was not even breathing hard at the top...not your everyday 75 year old body I inhabit.

Upon reaching the top, James, manager of the Food Mart, offered SAM his 120 volt outlet ...SAMs batteries took a lick'n today...and ME a spot to park for the night...directly in front of an apartment where live four young ladies (college age, actually) who invited ME to share their dinner...sumptuous taco complete with steak strips...yummmmm. They might join ME later for a glass of wine...I have the wine...they are drinking beer.

And still it rains.

Tomorrow. we start down the East side of Mt. Hood...destination Madras 62 miles away. Will make it a 2-day descent...or perhaps three. Am told the Warm Springs Indian Tribe are quite interesting & worth a stopover.

We shall see.

Still no blisters...no pulled muscles...no knee pain...must be doing something right...or just plain lucky.


  1. Damn! Sir, you are an inspiration!! "...not even breathing hard at the top."

    I'll have what HE'S having!
